
2018 AODP Dialogue and International Open Data Conference

The Asia Open Data Partnership is an regional event launched since 2015 with 8 partners from 6 countries in Asia. The 2018 AODP Dialogue is  the 4th Dialogue that is organized by Korean partner, the National Information Society Agency (NIA), and hosted by Ministry of the Interior and Safety in Seoul. The main of objective of this event is to create the forum to share economic and social value of open data and to expand global partnership among AODP partners. This year theme is “Open Data, Open Innovation!”.The event started with the welcoming remarks H.E. Iljae Kim, Deputy Minister of Ministry of the Interior and Safety, following by AODP key issues and performance, presented by  Ms. Joanna Huang, AODP Secretariat. According to AODP Secretariat 2018 report, the number of its partners has increased to 16 partner organizations, who are from 11 countries in Asia. Those countries are Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Philippine, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam. We are so ...

ODC participated in BarCamp ASEAN 2018

Barcamp ASEAN 2018 took place on October 20-21, at Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This BarCamp ASEAN 2018 broke the world’s largest BarCamp record having over 8,000 participants, 60 exhibitors, over 95 speakers on 85 topics and 1,000 companies and organizations. ...

Success story from fundamentals of QGIS trainings with Royal University of Agriculture

A training program on fundamentals of QGIS was organized at geographic information system (GIS) lab of Faculty of Land Management and Land Administration, at Royal University of Agriculture. In the program, land management and environment were considered as the main theme. The participants were trained ...

The training workshop on “Accessing to information of public service”

At the end of last month, on September 29th, Open Development Cambodia organized a training workshop to raise awareness on the access to public services information using ICT tools. Being a government body dedicated to improving public service delivery, representatives of the National Committee for ...

ODC’s attended the process of citizen monitoring, one of the four components of the implementation of social accountability framework

The implementation of social accountability framework (I-SAF) rests on four components: i) access to information and open budgets, ii) citizen monitoring, iii) facilitation and capacity building, iv) learning and monitoring. This blogpost highlight parts of activities of second component 2: citizen monitoring, a process where ...

ODC’s third GIS workshop: GIS application in land management and education

In the second GIS workshop, ODC received 21 participants who successfully attended and awarded in the three-day workshop with theme focusing on “data collection and application of GIS”. This time, “GIS application in land management and education” are in the center.Welcoming remark by Mr. Phy ...

Stakeholder engagement and knowledge sharing workshop

On the morning of July 13, 2018, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) organized a workshop to share the  outputs and findings of its project on “The use of Google Earth Engine (GEE) to play a role in gender equality and education in flood-prone areas”. This workshop ...

ODC visit to Information for Citizens (I4Cs)’ meeting in the Romeas Haek district, Svay Rieng province

With the assistant from STAR Kampuchea (SK), at the weekend, 19th May 2018, ODC team visited an implementation activity on the ground. The visit aimed to learn the process of Implementation of Social Accountability Framework in public services.It is a sunny and humid Saturday afternoon ...

Strategic environmental assessment in Cambodia

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) represents an advanced tool for estimating and evaluating the consequences of specific development plans, programs and policies. In contrast to widely-used environmental impact assessment (EIA) taking place at the end of the decision-making process, SEA is conducted before all major decisions ...

From by-product to premium alcohol: ODC team visits Samai Distillery

Following the tradition to cover the activities of local sustainability champions in Cambodia, on June 21 ODC team visited Samai – a premium rum distillery based in Phnom Penh that breaks stereotypes of conventional alcohol business.ODC team visits the Samai Distillery. Photo by Daniel Aboagye, ...

Networking with our OD colleagues!

From 31 May to 1 June ODC launched a 2-days workshop to network with the Open Development Initiative (ODI) teams from Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos. The aim was to get to know each other better, increase knowledge and deepen skills related to WordPress and CKAN ...

ODC presents at the Kampong Cham BarCamp

On the 22 and 23 of June, the ODC team went to Kampong Cham to present at the BarCamp organized at the Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear. Although the event hosted fewer attendees than the previous one in Bantheay Meanchey, the ODC’s presentation on the ...

Workshop 2: Data-driven journalism

You have found an interesting topic to write about? Support your article with data! To learn more about data-driven journalism Open Development Cambodia, in cooperation with Cambodian Center for Independent Media, hosted the second two-day workshop for journalists and journalism students on May 24-25 2018. ...

ODC presents at the Bantheay Meanchey BarCamp

Participants are having group photo ​after the presentation.On May 25-26, 2018 the ODC team joined the Banteay Meanchey BarCamp. Being the second BarCamp conference organised in 2018, and the first time the event was taken place at the Meanchey University of the Banteay Meanchey province. ...

ODC’s​ second​ GIS​ workshop:​ Data​ collection​ and​ application​ of​ GIS

In​ the​ previous​ blogpost​ we​ kicked​ off​ the​ first​ series​ of​ QGIS​ workshop​ in​ which​ we​ highlighted​ the​ activities​ and​ results​ of​ the​ successful​ 24​ participants​ which​ have​ been​ attended​ and​ awarded​ with​ a​ certificate​ during​ the​ three-day​ workshop.​ After​ we​ introduced​ the​ principle​ of​ ...

From​ data​ to​ a​ news​ story:​ ODC​ hosts​ workshop​ about​ data-driven​ journalism

Data​ is​ everywhere!​ Since​ the​ rise​ of​ the​ Internet​ the​ amount​ of​ data​ has​ exploded​ significantly.​ Everything​ we​ see​ online​ is​ -​ after​ all​ -​ digital​ data.​ Knowing​ this,​ it​ is​ no​ surprise​ that​ not​ only​ data​ scientists,​ bankers​ and​ scholars​ make​ use​ of​ this​ ...

Digitalization affects us all - ODC attends conference hosted by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

“When I first arrived in Cambodia, I was impressed of the digitization process here,” Dr. Daniel Schmücking remembers his first days in Phnom Penh, and continues: “I thought ‘how can I survive here?’ but then someone told me about PassApp.” The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) ...

ODC meets NCDD for the second time

On the 4th of May 2018 the ODC team met representatives of the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD). This meeting was second in a series of consultations and negotiations with NCDD, as both organisations have mutual goals and objectives. Here, NCDD’s intention to ...

Transparency day: ODC visits local fashion enterprises

More and more small local companies attempt to oppose the conventional garment and fashion industry in Cambodia. Instead of producing cheap clothes and paying low wages, the fashion startups choose a different path, one that provides better conditions for the workers and yields creative products ...

Liger meets Open Development Cambodia: Liger talents receive GIS certificates

The Liger campus lies hidden behind some residential buildings in the outskirts of Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh. You wouldn’t expect the little oasis amidst the busy urban life with its countless motorbikes, tuktuks, street vendors and construction sites. However, when you enter the gate of ...

Success stories from seed grant innovation awardees of the 5th Mekong ICT Camp 2017 (cont.)

In the last blogpost we kicked off our two-articles blog series in which we show the results of the five projects which have been awarded with the Seed Grant Innovative Award” during the Mekong ICT Camp 2017. After we introduced the teams from Cambodia, Myanmar ...

Success stories from seed grant innovation awardees of the 5th Mekong ICT Camp 2017

One of the highlights of last year’s edition of the​ 5th Mekong ICT Camp 2017 hosted by Open Development Cambodia was the “Seed Grant Innovative Award”, endowed with 3,000$ for each of the five awarded teams. About half a year after the grant receivers were ...

ODC team participated in the Regional Conference on Mekong-Japan Cooperation: Progress and Challenges since 2015

Organised by the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace, the conference on the topic of regional cooperation in the Mekong region took place at the Raffles Hotel Le Royal in Phnom Penh on the 23rd of March. In his welcoming remarks, H.E. Ambassador Pou Sothirak, ...

ODC team attended the ‘7th National Consultation Workshop on the Draft of the Environment and Natural Resource Code of the Kingdom of Cambodia’

The event held at Sofitel Phokeethra Hotel on Thursday, 22 March 2018, was  the final workshop of the public consultation process to develop the Code prior to its enactment. This workshop was cooperatively organized by Ministry of Environment and the Vishnu Law Group Approximately 400 ...

ODC joins the 2018 Cambodia Outlook Conference

“We want Cambodia to be a high-income country by 2050,” PM Hun Sen affirmed the ambitious prospect of Cambodia’s economy at the 2018 Cambodia Outlook Conference which Open Development Cambodia attended. The conference took place on Thursday, 15 March 2018 at the Hotel Sofitel Phnom ...

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