NEC Stands Firm, Will Not Hold Independent Election Inquiry

The National Election Committee (NEC) on Tuesday stood firmly behind its refusal to consider a proposal by the opposition CNRP for an independent investigation into the July 28 national ballot. Statements sent between the CNRP and NEC—the last day for political parties to file reports of election irregularities—made it clear that both sides have not come any closer to breaking a political impasse that the opposition party says is necessary before it will accept defeat in the election. “Regarding documents proving election irregularities occurred during the fifth mandate of National Assembly election held on July 28, 2013, the Cambodia National Rescue Party will disclose [them publicly] when a special committee is created to investigate the irregularities and evaluate the impact of the election result,” a letter sent Tuesday from CNRP president Sam Rainsy to NEC President Im Suosdey says. The letter proposes that the NEC play the role of coordinator of the investigation into the CNRP’s accusations of widespread cheating and fraud on the part of the ruling CPP, and allow the U.N. to step into the role of arbitrator between the two parties. In response, the NEC sent a letter to the CNRP saying that political parties, election monitors and international observers would only be invited to “monitor” an NEC sub-committee tasked with conducting the investigation. …

Kuch Naren and Colin Meyn