Rainsy Lays Out Demands for Next Round of Negotiations

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy on Sunday said that the CNRP would formally appeal to the CPP this week to resume negotiations to end the ongoing political deadlock, but said that the CPP would have to meet the CNRP’s conditions for a new round of talks. “Now that demonstrations finished on Friday, we will respond to the CPP in the next few days,” Mr. Rainsy said, adding that the CNRP would put forward three preconditions for the resumption of talks. Firstly, the CNRP lawmakers will not take their seats in parliament, as demanded by the CPP, before the talks are held, he said. The nine-member National Election Com­mittee (NEC) must resign, he continued, adding that other government reforms must be based on recommendations made by Surya Subedi, the U.N.’s special rapporteur for human rights in Cambodia. “Before the start of any negotiation, we want the current NEC leadership to resign,” he said. “We want the CPP to agree that this discussion is not in the Na­tional Assembly, they must not think we will join the National Assembly first,” he added. …

Colin Meyn and Hul Reaksmey