
Joint statement of the U.S.-Asean special leaders’ summit: Sunnylands declaration

We the Heads of State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United States of America gathered in Sunnylands, California, on February 15-16, 2016, for a Special Leaders Summit.  This Special U.S.-ASEAN Leaders Summit was the first ever ...

The White House

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Invitation letter from Council of Ministers to civil society groups

Department of Civil Society, NGOs and Human Rights, of the Office of the Council of Ministers, invites the executive director of Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) to meet and discuss about “challenges, coordination mechanisms and strengthening cooperation between civil society organizations and Royal Government of ...

Council of Ministers

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New ADB Cambodia country director assumes office

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has appointed a new Country Director for Cambodia, Samiuela T. Tukuafu. A Tongan national, Mr. Tukuafu officially started in this post on 1 February, 2016. Mr. Tukuafu replaces Mr. Eric Sidgwick, who has been appointed Country Director for ADB’s Resident ...

ADB team

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Guidelines on the prevention of forest fire

The ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries has identified guidelines on the  prevention of forest fire amid arrival of dry season. All seven point guidelines have identified the main causes and actions leading to forest fire, relevant regulations and legal actions against offenders. The ministry ...

The ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries

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Prek Toal was recognized as a new Ramsar Site

South-East Asia’s largest waterbird colony, the 21,342 hectares Prek Toal (Ramsar Site no. 2245 has been designated as a Wetland of International Importance (also known as a ‘Ramsar Site’), by the Royal Government of Cambodia and recognized by the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention ...

Ministry of Environment

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NA to approve draft laws on 2016 national budget, statistics

On Monday, 30 November 2015, the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia will continue its fifth plenary session of the fifth legislature, from 8:00 a.m., to discuss and approve the draft Law on National Budget 2016, and the draft Law on Statistics. ...

Secretariat General of National Assembly

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CSOs call for an end to impunity in Cambodia on the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

To mark the United Nations’ second International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, we, the undersigned civil society organizations (“CSOs”), call upon the Royal Government of Cambodia to bring an end to Cambodia’s rampant culture of impunity, and to ensure that the perpetrators ...

Joint Organizations

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Notification on National Assembly’s agenda for the 5th meeting of the 5th legislature

On Friday, 30 October 2015, the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia will continue its fifth plenary session of the fifth legislature, from 8:00 a.m., to discuss and approve on the proposed Law on Election of Commune/Sangkat Council, and the proposed amendments to the ...

Secretariat General of National Assembly

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Civil society condemns violence against Cambodian opposition MPs

ADHOC, CCHR, CCIM, CLEC, STT and LICADHO strongly condemn yesterday’s violence outside the National Assembly, and at the house of an opposition leader that left two opposition CNRP MPs injured and bloodied, and call for an immediate independent and transparent investigation into the orchestrated violence. ...

Joint Organizations

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With wage talks over, GMAC calls for focus on productivity

The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) is looking for a renewed focus on productivity following the conclusion of this month’s minimum wage negotiations, while supporting calls for clothing buyers to implement more sustainable purchasing practices. ...

Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia

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Press announcement on a meeting between lawmaker leaders of the two parties

On Wednesday 23 September 2015, lawmaker leaders of the parties having seats in the National Assembly will have a meeting to discuss amendments to Law on Election of Commune/Sangkat Council from 17:30 pm, at the National Assembly’s office. ...

Secretariat General of National Assembly

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Workshop on mechanisms and criteria for determining minimum wages in Cambodia

The Ministry of  Labour and Vocational Training will organize a workshop on “Mechanisms and Criteria for Determining Minimum Wages in Cambodia” on 22 September 2015 from 8:30 am, at a meeting room A of the ministry’s office. ...

Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training

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Results on the evaluation of 9 ELC companies

According to a notification letter No. 1022 dated on 10 September 2015, the Council of Ministers decided on a reduction of the investment lifespans to 50 years for 9 economic land concessions (ELCs) companies that hold investment rights over total areas of 21,839 hectares in ...

Ministry of Environment

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Results on the evaluation of 14 ELC companies

According to a notification letter No. 956 dated 21 August 2015, the Royal Government of Cambodia agreed with 12 ELC companies, which have investment rights over land plots of 41,244 hectares in Kratie, Oddar Meanchecy and Preah Vihear provinces, to continue their activities while other ...

Ministry of Environment

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IFAD and Cambodia sign historic host country agreement

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) signed a host country agreement earlier this month with the Kingdom of Cambodia, the culmination of almost 20 years of support and investment in rural areas. Since 1996, over 1.2 million poor and disadvantaged rural households have benefitted ...

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

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Cambodia is affected by GONI storm

Cambodia will be under influence of GONI storm, leading to more wide spread of raining in the kingdom. While some coastal areas such as Koh Kong, Kep and Kampot provinces will have heavy raining along with strong wind, sea surface will have strong wind and ...

Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology

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The Ministry of Women’s Affairs regrets that a group of non-governmental organizations issued a joint statement titled “Together to promote the real dignity of women,” which followed a speech made by Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen, aiming to exaggerate the information and criticize the Royal ...

Ministry of Women's Affairs

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Results on the evaluations of 16 ELC companies

Based on the results on the evaluations of the 16 economic land concession (ELCs) companies, which have rights over the land areas of 96,098 hectares in Mondul Kiri province (5 companies), Ratanak Kiri province (4 companies) and Kampong Speu province (7 companies), the Ministry of ...

Ministry of Environment

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Senate's agenda for the 7th meeting of the 3rd legislature

On Friday, 24 July 2015, during the 7th meeting of the 3rd legislature, the Senate of Cambodia will review and give opinions on the draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations. ...

Secretariat General of Senate

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Draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations

The National Assembly of Cambodia convenes its 4th plenary session on Monday, 13 July 2015, from 8:00 a.m., to discuss and adopt the draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations. ...

Secretariat General of National Assembly

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Consultation workshop on the draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations

Consultation workshop on the draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations to be held on 8 July 2015, starting from 8:00 a.m., at the Secretariat General of the National Assembly. The workshop is organized by the “Commission of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Propaganda and Information” in ...

Secretariat General of National Assembly

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Results of the Meeting of the National Assembly's Permanent Committee

On June 23, 2015, the Permanent Committee of the National Assembly convened a meeting, and decided to assign the Commission of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Propaganda and Information, in cooperation with the Commission of Interior, National Defense and Public Functions, and the Commission of Legislation ...

Secretariat General of National Assembly

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Schedule for discussions on 2016 minimum wages

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training informs workers, employees, employers, technical organizations, and national and international organizations that discussions on the minimum wages for 2016, whereby tripartite (representatives of workers/employees, employers and the government) comes together, will begin from July 2015 while January 01, ...

Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training

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Press release on the results of the plenary session of the Council of Ministers

On Friday, June 5, 2015, at the Peace Palace, the Council of Ministers convened its plenary session presided over by the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Hun Sen, by approving the draft Law on Associations and NGOs. This draft law contains 9 chapters and 39 articles. ...

Office of the Council of Ministers

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