Economy and commerce
Banking and financial services
Press release: Official launch of the Secured Transactions Filing Office 2.0 (SETFO 2.0)
On 18 March 2025, the Ministry of Commerce issued a press release on the launch of the Secured Transactions Filing Office 2.0 (SETFO 2.0) in collaboration with the Techo Startup Center of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.SETFO 2.0 is an automated system for providing ...
Ministry of Commerce
Press release on the official launching ceremony of cross-border payment project between the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Cambodia (phase 1: customer of Jeonbuk Bank Mobile Banking App scan Bakong (KHQR) of merchants in Cambodia)
On 29 August 2024, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a press release on the official launching ceremony of cross-border payment project between the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Cambodia (phase 1: customer of Jeonbuk Bank Mobile Banking App scan Bakong on their ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Press release on facilitating the US Dollar banknote circulation
On 2 August 2024, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a press release on facilitating the US Dollar banknote circulation on their official website. According to the press, all banking and financial institutions and money changers throughout Cambodia will be required to accept old or ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Press release on the dissemination forum on "Procedures for annually financial statements submission via online system (E-filing)" for enterprises and Not-for-profit entities 2024on 16th July
On 16 July 2024, the Accounting and Auditing Regulator issued a press release regarding the dissemination forum on “Procedures for annually financial statements submission via online system (E-filing)” for enterprises and Not-for-profit entities on 16th July 2024 on their official social media site. According to ...
Accounting and Auditing Regulator
Announcement on the start of Financial Transparency Corridor (FTC) Initiative between Cambodia and Singapore
On 18 June 2024, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a joint media release on the start of Financial Transparency Corridor (FTC) Initiative between Cambodia and Singapore on their official social media site.According to the press, the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) and the Monetary ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Press release "Independent report shows Cambodia's microfinance sector promotes sustainable development goals"
On 19 January 2024, the Cambodia Microfinance Association issued a press release on the Independent report showing Cambodia’s microfinance sector promotes sustainable development goals on their official social media site. According to the press, the study was conducted with more than 3,200 customers of Microfinance institutions ...
Cambodia Microfinance Association
Press release: Cambodia launches Standard Loan Contract and Standard Text of Contractual Terms to strengthen consumer protection and fair competition in banking and financial sector
On 30 August 2023, the Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA) and the Association of Banks in Cambodia issued a joint press release on the launch of the Standard Loan Contract and Standard Text of Contractual Terms to strengthen consumer protection and fair competition in banking and ...
Press release on the meeting to review and discuss the Draft MoU between the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc
On 14 August 2023, the General Department of Taxation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued a press release on the review meeting and discussion on the Draft Memorandum of Understanding on the use of services of Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc for tax revenue ...
General Department of Taxation
Press release on the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on "Cross-border QR code payment cooperation" between the National Bank of Cambodia and UnionPay International Co.,Ltd
On 10 July 2023, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a press release on the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on “Cross-border QR code payment cooperation” between the National Bank of Cambodia and UnionPay International Co.,Ltd.This MoU aims to promote efficient and secure cross-border QR Code ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Press release – prakas on credit risk for capital adequacy ratios in deposit-taking banks and financial institutions of national bank of cambodia
On 03 July 2023, the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia has posted a press release on prakas on credit risk for capital adequacy ratios in deposit-taking banks and financial institutions of national bank of cambodia on their official website.According to the press release, the purpose ...
Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia
Press release on the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on "Cooperation in Different Area of Financial Sector Development" between the National Bank of Cambodia and the National Bank of Rwanda
On 17 April 2023, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a press release on the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on “Cooperation in Different Area of Financial Sector Development” between the National Bank of Cambodia and the National Bank of Rwanda.The main purpose of this MoU ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Announcement on the delisting of rural credit institutions from the list at the National Bank of Cambodia
On 12 April 2023, National Bank of Cambodia has posted an announcement on the delisting of rural credit institutions from the list at the National Bank of Cambodia on their official social media site. According to the announcement, National Bank of Cambodia has delisted 108 credit ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Press release on the implementation of the Law on Consumer Protection and Prakas on unfair contract clause in the banking and financial sector
On 24 March 2023, the Ministry of Commerce and the National Bank of Cambodia posted a press release regarding the Press release on the implementation of the Law on Consumer Protection and Prakas on unfair contract clauses in the banking and financial sector on their ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Press release on the launching ceremony of public financial management reform program stage 4 "performance accountability"
On 20 March 2023, the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued a press release on the launching ceremony of public financial management reform program stage 4 “performance accountability”, which is the last stage of public financial management reform program. ...
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Joint Statement between the National Bank of Cambodia and the General Commissariat of National Police
On 27 January 2023, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a joint Statement between the National Bank of Cambodia and the General Commissariat of National Police.The National Bank of Cambodia and the General Commissariat of National Police request that citizens use the official financial services ...
National Bank of Cambodia
AIIB Loans to Cambodian Microlenders Risk Worsening a Human Rights Crisis
On 17th November 2022, LICADHA issued a joint statement on AIIB loans to Cambodian microlenders risk worsening a human rights crisis.We, the undersigned civil society organisations in Southeast Asia and Europe, decry the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) approval of US$175 million in financing to ...
Announcement on Fintech stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022
On 28 October 2022, Techo Startup Center has posted an announcement on Fintech stage of Cambodia Tech Expo 2022 on their official social media site. Fintech stage will be held at Cambodia Tech Expo 2022 for three consecutive days from 11th to 13th, November 2022 at ...
Techo Startup Center
Joint statement of the Association of Banks in Cambodia and the Cambodia Microfinance Association on the understanding and favor to borrowers affected by the flood
On 19 October 2022, the Association of Banks and the Cambodia Microfinance Association has posted a joint statement on the understanding and favor to borrowers affected by the flood. According to the joint statement, the two associations agree to provide good cooperation within the framework of ...
The Association of Banks in Cambodia
Notification on favors for borrowers affected by severe floods
On 18 October 2022, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a Notification on favors for borrowers affected by severe floods. This implementation was made after the high call of Samdech Techo, Prime Minister, on 17 October 2022 and after discussions with the Association of Banks ...
National Bank of Cambodia
Press release on the role of banking sector and fintech in digital economy in Cambodia
On 23 September 2022, the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued a press release on the role of banking sector and fintech in digital economy in Cambodia.The workshop aimed to (1) disseminate the government’s policies, laws, and regulations on digitalization and the banking sector as ...
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Joint statement of Cambodia Microfinance Association and Association of Banks in Cambodia on the German government-funded study
On 16 September 2022, the Association of Banks in Cambodia and Cambodia Microfinance Association issue a joint statement on a study entitled “Micro” Finance in Cambodia: Development, Challenges, and Recommendations commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). ...
Cambodia Microfinance Association
Joint press release German government-funded study confirms grave problems in Cambodia’s microfinance sector
On 14 September 2022, the Cambodia League For the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) released a joint press on a study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provides further evidence of widespread over-indebtedness in Cambodia, resulting in an ...
Cambodia League For the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
National Bank of Cambodia alerts on illegal advertising and lending
On 25 August 2022, the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) published a press release on illegal advertising and lending. The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) has observed that a number of fraudsters have openly advertised and lent credit to the people through various forms such ...
National Bank of Cambodia
ANZ launches human rights grievance mechanism in a first for the global banking sector
On 03 November 2021, the Equitable Cambodia issued a press release on ANZ launches human rights grievance mechanism in a first for the global banking sector.Australia’s ANZ Bank launched a Grievance Mechanism Framework to evaluate and respond to human rights related complaints associated with its ...
Equitable Cambodia