Unions Trade Barbs Over Violent Factory Strike
- 7 June 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Clothes / Economy and commerce / Garments and textiles / Industries / Manufacturing / Unions
- CCAWDU / CCAWDU vice president Kong Athit / Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers / Free Trade Union / Free Trade Union Members / FTU / FTU members / Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia / garments / GMAC / Kompong Spue / Kompong Spue province / Kong Athit / Nike / protest arrests / protests / Sabrina (Cambodia) Garment MFG Corp / Sabrina Factory president Susan Chen / Sabrina Garment Factory / Samraong Tong district / Strikes / Susan Chen / trade unions / US / violent protests / wage increase / wages / workers unions
Two rival workers unions continued to trade barbs Thursday, each blaming the other for a violent clash between striking garment workers and police at a factory in Kompong Speu province on Monday that saw eight people arrested. The Free Trade Union (FTU) has led strikes for ...
Cambodia urges to boost country's exports
- 6 June 2013
- Xinhuanet News
- Economy and commerce / Exports / Imports / Labor / Trade
- ASEAN / ASEAN Economic Community / ASEAN economic community 2015 / ASEAN member states / Association of Southeast Asian Nations / cashew nuts / Cassava / Chea Sim Kamchay Mea University / Coffee / Corn / Economic growth / Europe / Exports / foreign markets / garments / goods and services / Hun Sen / Imports / international relations / labor / Ministry of Commerce / pepper / Prey Veng / Prey Veng Province / Prime Minister Hun Sen / Production / rice / rubber / United States aid
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday urged local producers to increase production in order to boost the country’s exports when the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) turns into a community at the end of 2015. He [Hun Sen] said when ASEAN became [sic] ...
Families Left Worse off After Railway Project
- 5 June 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Aid and development / Asian Development Bank (ADB) / Australian aid / Bilateral development assistance / Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members / Economy and commerce / Infrastructure / Land / Multilateral development assistance / Public health / Rail / Safety and health at work / Social development / Transport infrastructure and facilities
- ADB / Asian Development Bank (ADB) / AusAid / Australian aid / Australian government / compensation / construction / Debt / donor guidelines / donor policy / donors / education / End of the Line / End of the Line report / evictions / foreign aid / government run resettlement sites / Healthcare / Human Rights / incomes / Infrastructure / involuntary resettlement / loans / Phnom Penh / Phnom Penh International Airport / railway network / railway project / railway rehabilitation / railway system / Railways / Resettlement / resettlement sites / Royal Government of Cambodia / safety standards / Sahmakum Teang Tnaut / standard of living / STT / STT report / technical assistance / unemployment
Phnom Penh families being pushed to the city’s outskirts to make way for a $142.6 million railway renovation project funded by Australia and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are falling into debt and finding it harder to earn money and access healthcare according to a ...
Wing Star Widow in Limbo
- 3 June 2013
- The Phnom Penh Post
- Economy and commerce / Exports / Investment / Labor / Labor policy and administration / Social development / Trade
- ACILS / American Center for International Labor Solidarity / ASICS / Bangladesh / ceiling collapse / collapse / compensation / Dave Welsh / Factory collapse / ILO / ILO conventions / International Labor Organization / Kampong Speu / Kampong Speu Province / Kim Dany / labor / labor rights / labour / Labour unions / National Social Security Fund / NGOs / NSSF / NSSF Deputy Director / Royal Government / shoes / shoes factory / Sum Sophorn / Wing Star incident / Wing Star Shoe factory / Wing Star Shoes / Wing Star Shoes Co Ltd / worker rights
Government officials have suggested the widow of the man crushed to death last month at the Wing Star Shoes factory, a supplier to Asics, will still be denied compensation from the National Social Security Fund (NSSF), a labour rights worker said yesterday. American Center for International ...
Underage, Overworked
- 29 May 2013
- The Phnom Penh Post
- Child labor / Economy and commerce / Education and training / Education policy and administration / Investment / Labor / Labor policy and administration / Law and judiciary / Social development
- American Center for International Solidarity Country Manager / ASICS / Child Exploitation / child labour / CLEC / collapse / Community Legal Education Center / Community Legal Education Center Consultant / Dave Welsh / exploitation / Factories / Factory Audit / Factory collapse / factory inspections / factory working conditions / Fasify Documents / Footwear / garment / Garment factories / Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia / Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia Secretary-general / health and safety / ILO Inspection / Inspections / Japanese aid / Japanese companies / Joel Preston / Kantouk Commune / Ken Loo / Kim Dany / Kompong Speu / Kompong Speu Province / labour / Labour laws / law violations / Lei Shi Ken / Ministry of Labour’s Child Labour Department Director / Mittapheap District / New Star Shoes / New Star Shoes Factory / Por Sen Chey district / Preah Sihanouk / Preah Sihanouk Province / shoes / shoes factory / Taiwan / Taiwanese companies / underage recruits / Underage Workers / Veng Heang / Wing Star incident / Wing Star Shoes / Wing Star Shoes Co Ltd / Wing Star Shoes factory / worker rights / workers / working conditions / Ying Dong Administration official / Ying Dong Shoes Factory
Child labour is being used at a footwear factory owned by the same Taiwan-based company as Wing Star Shoes – where two workers were killed in a ceiling collapse this month – numerous employees have told the Post. A former Ying Dong employee said the ...
Factories Asked to Voluntarily Assess Safety
- 28 May 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Development policy and administration / Economy and commerce / Environment and natural resources / Labor
- Better Factories Cambodia / ceiling collapse / construction / construction firms / enginering firms / Factories / Factory collapse / factory construction / Footwear / Garment factories / Garment Manufactures Association of Cambodia / Garment Manufactures Association of Cambodia secretary general Ken Loo / garments / GMAC / GMAC Secretary General Ken Loo / health and safety / illegal construction / International Labor Organization / Ith Sam Heng / Ken Loo / Kompong Spue / Ministry of Labor / Ministry of Labour / Ministry of Labour secretary of state Oum Mean / Ministry of of Social Affairs / Oum Mean / shoes / Social Affairs Minister Ith Sam Heng / structural audits / Top World Garment (Cambodia) Ltd. / Top World garment factory / Wing Star Shoes Co Ltd / Wing Star Shoes factory
The Garment Manufactures Association of Cambodia (GMAC) and International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Better Factories Cambodia yesterday asked factory owners to voluntarily conduct structural audits on their buildings in light of building collapses at two garment factories that killed two people and injured 23. “In the ...
ILO to name unsafe Cambodia garment factories
- 23 May 2013
- Radio Free Asia
- Crime and law enforcement / Development policy and administration / Economy and commerce / Environment and natural resources / Labor / Labor policy and administration / Safety and health at work
- Better Factories Cambodia / Better Factories Cambodia program chief technical advisor Jill Tucker / Better Factories Cambodia programme / building regulations / Cambodian Government / Chinese aid / construction / Factories / factories construction / Factory collapse / Garment Industry / garment industry strategy / garment production / garment sector / health and safety / ILO / ILO's Better Factories Cambodia program / International Labor Organisation / International Labour Organisation / Jill Tucker / Labour laws / RGC / Royal Government Cambodia / safety requirements / unsafe buildings / unsafe construction
The ILO is preparing to name Cambodian garment factories failing to comply with local safety requirements. The International Labour Organisation says Cambodian garment factories refusing to comply with safety requirements have one last chance before they are named and shamed. Jill Tucker, chief technical advisor for ...
Trafficked numbers rising
- 22 May 2013
- The Phnom Penh Post
- Human rights / Human trafficking / Informal migration for labor / Labor / Labor policy and administration / Local workers abroad / Marine and coastal areas / Offshore recruitment and employment / Siem Reap / Social development / Water resources
- abused workers / Africa / African coast / anti-trafficking / Anti-trafficking NGOs / Anti-Trafficking project / Argentina / Association of Cambodian Recruitment Agencies / Bosnia-Herzegovina / child labor / child labour / CLEC / Community Legal Education Centre / Environmental Justice Foundation / exploitative employment sectors / Fishermen / Fishing / fishing boat / forced labor / forced labour / Giant Ocean / Giant Ocean International Fishery / grievance mechanism / Hong Kong / Human trafficking / Indonesia / International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention / International Organization for Migration / IOM / Juliette Williams / Legal Support for Children and Women / Lin Yu Shin / LSCW / Malaysian aid / Mauritius / Ministry of Labour / MLC / Mom Sokchar / Phiev Khay / Philippines / recruitment agency / repatriation / SehaYatim / Shelley Thio / Siem Reap / Singapore / Singapore market / Singapore Ministry of Manpower / Singapore’s Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority / Step Up Marine Enterprise / Taiwan / Thailand / trafficking / trafficking complaint / Transient Workers Count Too / TWC2 / Victor Lim / Work in Fishing Convention
Their stories have become all too familiar – Cambodian fishermen enslaved on fishing boats after being promised lucrative jobs overseas. They’re also becoming increasingly common. Anti-trafficking NGOs told the Post this week that they have noticed an exponential increase in the number of trafficking complaints from ...
Danson Cheong
Standards Building Up Safety Fears
- 22 May 2013
- The Phnom Penh Post
- Economy and commerce / Industries / Labor / Manufacturing / Real estate
- Alassane Sow / Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia / Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia (BWTUFC) / Building Safety Regulations / BWTUFC / Cambodia / construction / construction standards / Department of Land Management / Department of Land Management Deputy Director / Factories / Factory collapse / Garment factories / Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia / garment workers / GMAC / health and safety / health and safety regulations / illegal construction / Inspectors / Ken Loo / Ministry of Land Management / Ministry of Land Management Inspectors / Ministry of Social Affairs / Phnom Penh / Phnom Penh City Hall / Phnom Penh City Hall / Regulations / safety / safety measures / Sar Bamnong / Sen Sok district / Shoddy Construction / Shoe factories / shoes / Structural Failure / Subcontractors / Top World / Top World Garment (Cambodia) Ltd. / Van Thol / Wing Star Shoe factory / Wing Star Shoes / Wing Star Shoes Co Ltd / World Bank / World Bank Country Manager Alassane Sow
When a 100-metre-long section of a Phnom Penh garment factory crumpled in on itself like a cheap pup tent, Sen Sok district officials promised an investigation. The results of that investigation, which was to have taken place more than a year ago, in March 2012, ...
At 10th Anniversary, Arbitration Council Faces Funding Shortage
- 22 May 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Labor / Labor arbitration
- Alassane Sow / Arbitration Council / Arbitration Council board of directors / Arbitration Council director Ly Tayseng / garment sector / good governance project / ILO / industrial disputes / International Labor Organization / labor / Labor arbitration / labor disputes / Labor unions / Ly Tayseng / Ministry of Labor / Ministry of Labor secretary of state Oum Mean / Ministry of Labour / Ministry of Labour secretary of state Oum Mean / Oum Mean / Strikes / trade unions / worker rights / workers / World Bank / World Bank Country Manager Alassane Sow / World Bank good governance project
The Arbitration Council, an independent body that resolves labor disputes in Cambodia’s garment sector, celebrated its 10th anniversary yesterday, though officials expressed concern that funding for the body was due to run out in March next year. Oum Mean, secretary of state at the Ministry of ...
Factory Dining Hall Collapses in Phnom Penh; 23 injured
- 21 May 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Clothes / Development policy and administration / Economy and commerce / Environment and natural resources / Garments and textiles / Industries / Labor / Manufacturing / Phnom Penh
- ASICS / ASICS spokesman Katsumi Funakoshi / CNRP / Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers Democratic Union / Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers Democratic Union representative Seang Yon / commune chief Mao Rith / compensation / construction / construction standards / Factories / Factory collapse / factory working conditions / Gap / Garment factories / garment production / garment production chain / garment workers / garments / health and saftey / illegal building construction / Japanese aid / Japanese sports brand / Kampong Cham Provincial Governor Kuoch Chamroeun / Katsumi Funakoshi / Kbal Koh commune / Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital / Kompong Speu / Kompong Speu Province / labor / labour / Mao Rith / Meanchey District / Ministry of Labor / Ministry of Labor secretary of state Oum Mean / Ministry of Labour / Ministry of Labour secretary of state Oum Mean / Mu Sochua / Oum Mean / Phnom Penh / Phnom Penh District Governor Kuoch Chamroeun / Production / production chain / safety building regulations / Seang Yon / Shoe factories / shoes / Top World Garment (Cambodia) Ltd. / U.S. / US / Wing Star Shoe factory / Wing Star Shoes Co Ltd / worker rights
The dining hall of a garment factory in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district that supplies clothes to U.S. brand Gap collapsed into a pond Monday, injuring more than 20 workers who were eating lunch, workers and officials said. The hall, which is part of Top World Garment ...
Cambodians Abroad Sent Home $256M Last Year
- 21 May 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Banking and financial services / Economy and commerce / Labor
- ACLEDA Bank / Acleda Bank Plc / ACLEDA Bank vice-president So Phonnary / Bangkok / Banks / Community Legal Education Center / Community Legal Education Center head of the labor program Moeun Tola / Community Legal Education Center labor program / Community Legal Education Centre / Community Legal Education Centre labour programme / Community Legal Education Centre labour programme Moeun Tola / GDP / Gross Domestic Product / IFAD / illegal money carriers / informal money carriers / International Fund for Agriculture Development / international remittances / MFIs / Microfinance institutions / Migrant Workers / Moeun Tola / money carriers / money transfer rates / money transfers / National Bank of Cambodia / National Bank of Cambodia Director General and Spokeswoman Nguon Sokha / NBC / NBC director-general Nguon Sokha / Nguon Sokha / remittances / Sending Money Home to Asia / So Phonnary / Thailand / transfer rates / U.N. / U.N. agency / U.S. / UN / UN agency / United Nations / US / Western Union / World Bank
Cambodian migrant workers sent home $256 million last year, according to a report from a U.N. agency and the World Bank, which was released in Bangkok yesterday. The report from the bank and Rome-based International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), titled Sending Money Home to Asia, ...
Factory Orders Staff Back to Work Amid Safety Concerns
- 20 May 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Development policy and administration / Economy and commerce / Environment and natural resources / Labor
- American Center for International Labor Solidarity Country Manager David Welsh / ASICS / ASICS spokesman Katsumi Funakoshi / building permits / Calmette hospital / Community Legal Education Center / Community Legal Education Center labor program head Moeun Tola / Community Legal Education Centre / Community Legal Education Centre labour programme head Moeun Tola / compensation / construction / construction standards / David Welsh / Factories / Factory collapse / factory construction / Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia / Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia chairman Van Sou Leng / health and safety regulations / illegal construction / Im Chhun Lim / Japanese aid / Japanese sports brand ASICS / Katsumi Funakoshi / Kobe / Kompong Speu / Kompong Speu Province / Kompong Speu provincial construction department / Kompong Speu provincial construction department bureau chief Mam Narey / Kompong Speu provincial department of land management / Kong Pisei district / labor / labor rights / labour / labour rights / Ly Hour / Mam Narey / Minister of Land Management Im Chhun Lim / Ministry of Land Management / Moeun Tola / Phnom Penh / Shoe factories / shoes / Van Sou Leng / Wing Star factory / Wing Star Shoes / Wing Star Shoes Co Ltd / Wing Star Shoes factory representative Ly Hour / worker conditions / worker rights
Employees at a Taiwanese-owned shoe factory in Kompong Speu province where two workers were killed when one of the building’s floors collapsed on Thursday have been ordered back to work today, despite ongoing concerns from labor activists about the building’s safety. While conceding that some parts ...
Court takes another crack at Bandith case
- 20 May 2013
- The Phnom Penh Post
- Economy and commerce / Gender / Unions / Women in development
- Ath Thorn / Bavet / Bavet factory shooting incident / Bavet shooting / Bavet town governor Chhouk Bandith / Cambodia Defenders Project / Cambodian Confederation of Unions / Cambodian Labour Confederation / Chhouk Bandith / CLC president Ath Thorn / court / Court of Appeal / Garment Factory / garment workers / impunity / Sok Sam Oeun / Svay Rieng Province / unintentional injury / Worker unions / workers
Unions representing more than 15,000 members have called for justice for three women ahead of round two of legal action against their alleged shooter, deposed Bavet town governor Chhouk Bandith. Bandith, who is accused of shooting the three workers during a protest at a factory in ...
Cambodia sends 4,779 laborers abroad in Q1
- 17 May 2013
- Global Times
- Labor
- abused maids / Agriculture & Agri-business / agriculture industry / agriculture sector / Cambodian laborers / Cambodian maids / construction / construction industry / construction sector / Human Rights / human rights abuses / illegal migrant workers / Japanese aid / labor / labor market / laborers / labour / labour market / maids / Malaysian aid / manufacturing indusrty / manufacturing sector / Migrant Workers / Ministry of Labor / Ministry of Labour / South Korean aid / Thailand / workers
Cambodia has dispatched 4,779 workers to Thailand, South Korea and Japan in the first three months of this year, according to a report from the Ministry of Labor on Friday. During the January-March period this year, the country sent 4, 100 workers to Thailand, 678 workers ...
After Factory Collapse, Questions Mount Over ILO Monitoring
- 17 May 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Development policy and administration / Economy and commerce / Environment and natural resources / Labor / Labor policy and administration / Law and judiciary / Safety and health at work
- American Center for International Labor Solidarity / American Center for International Labor Solidarity Country Manager David Welsh / Bangladesh / Better Factories Cambodia / Better Factories Cambodia program / Community Legal Education Center / Community Legal Education Center labor program head Moeun Tola / construction standards / David Welsh / Factory collapse / factory construction / factory construction standards / factory working conditions / Garment factories / Garment Industry / health and safety laws / health and safety standards / health and safty / International Labor Organization / Kompong Speu / Kompong Speu Province / Kong Pisei district / labor / labor rights / Leng Tong / Ministry of Labor / Ministry of Labor’s occupational safety and health department / Ministry of Labor’s occupational safety and health department director Leng Tong / Moeun Tola / Monitoring in the Dark / Monitoring in the Dark Report / safety regulations / shoes / Solidarity Center / Stanford University Law School / transparency / Wing Star factory / Wing Star Shoes Co Ltd / working conditions
Labor rights activists and a government official accused the International Labor Organization’s Better Factories Cambodia program of ineffectiveness in its monitoring of factory conditions following a deadly ceiling collapse on Thursday at a shoe factory in Kompong Speu province. Moeun Tola, labor program head of the ...
Cambodian factory deaths shine spotlight on conditions
- 16 May 2013
- DW
- Development policy and administration / Economy and commerce / Environment and natural resources / Labor
- American Center for International Labor Solidarity / American Center for International Labor Solidarity country director Dave Welsh / ASICS / Bangladesh / Better Factories Cambodia / Better Factories Cambodia technical adviser Jill Tucker / BFC / BFC program / construction / construction standards / Dave Welsh / EU / European Union aid / Factories / Factory collapse / factory working conditions / fire safety / footwear sector / garment indusrty / Garment Manufacturers' Association ecretary-general Ken Loo / garment manufacturing industry / garment sector / GMAC / health and safety / ILO / International Labor Organization / International Labor Organization's Better Factories Cambodia program / Japanese aid / Japanese companies / Jill Tucker / mass faintings / minimum wage / minimum wage increase / Pakistan / Phnom Penh / poor construction / Shoe factory / Strikes / triple shooting / United States aid / US / Wing Star factory / Wing Star Shoe factory / working conditions
The deaths of at least two Cambodian workers and injuries sustained by 10 colleagues at a shoe factory southwest of Phnom Penh once more shine a light on conditions in the global garment manufacturing industry. Thursday’s accident at the Wing Star Shoe factory in the Cambodian ...
Cambodia’s Small Businesses Serve as Backbone of Sustainable Economy
- 15 May 2013
- The Asia Foundation
- Banking and financial services / Economy and commerce / Exports / Labor / Trade
- agricultural industry / Asia Foundation / Australian Agency for International Development / banking services / Banks / business / business development / Cambodia Economic Census / Cambodian GDP growth / Danish International Development Agency / economic / economic crisis / Economic Development / Economic growth / Enterprises / export growth / FDI / financial records / foreign direct investment / Fourth Legislature of the National Assembly (2008-2013) / garment / Garment Industry / GDP / GDP growth / Global Economic Crisis / Gross Domestic Product / Hun Sen / import-export firms / industrial sector / industry / job creation / Khut Inserey / loans / low income country / lower middle income country / Micro-Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises / mine / Mineral industry / Ministry of Industry / Ministry of Industry Mine and Energy / Monetary Financial Institutions / MSMEs / National Institute of Statistics (NIS) / New Zealand Aid Programme / NIS / Prime Minister Hun Sen / private sector / private sector development / Rectangular Strategy Phase II / Royal Government / Skills Shortage / small and medium-sized enterprises / SMEs / Socio-economic Policy Agenda / tax collection / Taxes / The Asia Foundation / The Asia Foundation Senior Program Officer in Cambodia / Tourism / U.S. Agency for International Development
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced in late March that the nation was on target to move from the status of a low-income to a lower-middle-income nation by the end of 2013, ranking it the 15th country that obtained high economic growth in the world in the ...
Wage Hike Leads To Rent Fears
- 10 May 2013
- The Phnom Penh Post
- Economy and commerce / Education and training / Education policy and administration / Exports / Imports / Investment / Social development / Trade / Unions
- Cambodian Confederation of Unions / Cambodian Confederation of Unions president Rong Chhun / CLEC / Community Legal Education Center / Export / garment / Garment factories / garment sector / Garment worker / Garment Workers Accommodation / Kampong Speu / Kandal / Meanchey District / minimum garment wage / minimum wage / Moeun Tola / PCCS Garment Factory / Phnom Penh / Rent Rooms for Garment Wokers / Rong Chhun / Room Rent Cost / Royal Government / Sen Sok district / Transport of Garment Wokers / wage hike / Wokers
Cambodian Confederation of Unions president Rong Chhun yesterday appealed to landlords with properties close to garment factories not to take advantage of the industry’s minimum wage increase by raising rent prices. The minimum monthly salary in the garment sector – Cambodia’s biggest export industry – officially ...
Workers Get Benefits, Not Jobs
- 9 May 2013
- The Phnom Penh Post
- Economy and commerce / Labor / Labor policy and administration / Siem Reap
- American Center for International Labor Solidarity / Apsara Authority / Arbitration Council / Arbitration Council’s Decisions / Archeological Survey of India / ASI / Cambodia’s APSARA Authority / Dave Welsh / Dinesh Patnaik / Embassy of India / Indian aid / Indian Ambassador Dinesh Patnaik / Indian Government / Indian Labour Law / labour law / restoration workers / Siem Reap / Siem Reap Province / Ta Prohm temple / Unemployed Worker / Worker Representatives / Worker union / Worker's Union Representatives / workers
India’s ambassador to Cambodia, Dinesh Patnaik, said yesterday that his government will pay outstanding benefits to about 30 restoration workers who lost their jobs at Siem Reap province’s Ta Prohm temple in February – but will not reinstate them. The entire restoration team – more than ...
Union calls for stable rent for workers
- 7 May 2013
- The Cambodia Herald
- Economy and commerce / Exports / Trade / Unions
- apartment landlords / Cambodian Confederation of Unions / CCU / factory workers / footwear garment industry / footwear industry / Garment exports / Garment factories / landlords / minimum wage / rent / textile exports / workers standard of living
The Cambodian Confederation of Unions (CCU) urged all apartment landlords to not increase their rent because garment and footwear employees get only a basic salary of $80 per month. A statement issued Monday said the wage increase from $61 per month to $80 will be implemented ...
Cambodian parliament passes fire prevention law
- 7 May 2013
- Xinhuanet News
- Development policy and administration / Economy and commerce / Environment and natural resources / Government / Labor / Law and judiciary / Safety and health at work
- Cambodia's Penal Code. / Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sar Kheng / draft law on fire prevention / Environmental Protection / fire prevention / fires / Investment / Ministry of Interior / Ministry of Interior under secretary of state Ouk Kimlek / National Assembly / Ouk Kimlek / property protection / public order protection / Sar Kheng / social safety / social security / Tourism
Cambodia’s National Assembly on Tuesday adopted a draft law on fire prevention with jail term punishment for arsonists, neglected firefighters, and false information providers on fires. Ninety-four out of ninety-seven lawmakers, who were present at the session, passed the law, saying it would help maintain security, ...
Engineers Hold Labor Day Protest Against Paying Income Tax
- 3 May 2013
- The Cambodia Daily
- Aid and development / Bilateral development assistance / Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members / Economy and commerce / Japanese aid / Labor
- Choice Taxi Company / civil servants / donor aid / Garment factories / garment workers / General Taxation Department / General Taxation Department chief of legislative department Om Chhon / gross domestic product growth / International Monetary Fund / Kandal / Kandal Province / Loeuk Dek district / Ministry of Finance / Neak Loueng Bridge / Om Chhon / Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd. / tax revenue / Taxes
More than 50 engineers employed by Japan’s Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. Ltd. to work on a new Neak Loueng Bridge in Kandal province protested on Wednesday over paying income tax of 10 percent and are threatening to go on strike again if their employer dose ...
Thousands of workers in Cambodia march for pay rise on Int'l Labor Day
- 1 May 2013
- Xinhua News
- Economy and commerce / Exports / Labor / Trade
- Cambodian Confederation of Unions / footwear factories / Garment exports / Garment factories / Garment Industry / garment workers / Hun Sen / International Labor Day / Labor Day / minimum wage / National Assembly / Prime Minister Hun Sen / Sihanoukville Autonomous Port
About 5,000 Cambodian workers took to the street on Wednesday to mark the International Labor Day, calling for pay rise, better labor conditions and decrease in petrol prices, a union representative said. Marchers, mostly garment workers, held banners and walked from the Freedom Park near the ...