Council accepts first complaint in process

Though most of the opposition complaints reviewed by the Constitutional Council have been dismissed so far, one has been deemed credible and appropriate, a council spokesman said. According to spokesman Uth Chhorn, one complaint regarding a campaign-period clash between supporters of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party and the ruling Cambodian People’s Party in Kandal province had indeed been the fault of the ruling party, the Constitution Council ruled. “When we had a look into the complaint, [we] saw that the [CPP] side had abused the [CNRP] side,” Chhorn said. “We told the NEC to warn the CPP side not to do this again.” Chhorn went on to say, however, that most of the complaints filed by the CNRP were supported by insufficient proof, though he declined to provide precise figures on how many had been rejected. “Normally, we told the [CNRP] that what the lower level [National Election Committee] did seemed fitting,” Chhorn said. The lone complaint filed by the CPP, he added, had been dismissed on the grounds that it was a case between individuals, and not a political matter. …