Lueckenhausen elected at IBC

One woman who has been actively involved in the development of Cambodia’s business climate is Janet Lueckenhausen of Functional Engineering. She’s been working closely with Cambodia’s biggest foreign-owned companies since 2008. Now she’s shifted in her role from executive director of International Business Chamber of Cambodia to a member of its executive committee. IBC is the organisation that represents the greatest number of multinational companies in Cambodia and provides involvement with the development of Cambodian government policy through the government-private sector working groups. The IBC meets every month in private sessions at one of Phnom Penh’s hotels, often with guest speakers and updates the members on the progress of the working groups. Lueckenhausen described the IBC as unique among organisations in Cambodia, with members being companies, not individuals. IBC has a joining fee of US$1,200 and an annual subscription fee of $600. When Lueckenhausen’s company Functional Engineering joined in 2007, the IBC had a few more than 30 members while today it has grown to 85 company members. The designates, or people who attend the meetings on behalf of the member companies, must be senior management of the company, she said. ... “The IBC stands alone as being non-national and non-sectoral. It is also the only foreign voice in the working group process,” she said. “Because of that, it is a great resource the government can rely on. Rather than hire a consultant, they can get information from the IBC for free.”...