Net keeps telcos on their toes

Pressure is mounting on the Kingdom’s telecommunications industry to stay ahead of the game as the demand for data and mobile internet becomes a top priority for Cambodian consumers. As global smartphone manufacturers saturate Cambodia’s market in an effort to meet the demand for new technology, local telecom firms are being forced to provide increasingly competitive data rates and calculate new streams of revenue through value-added services. … Some 907,000 smartphones were sold in Cambodia in 2013, up 42 per cent compared to 2012, according to Singapore-based research firm GfK. GfK estimates that Cambodia’s smartphone market is now a $300 million industry. “As new-phone purchases increase, Cambodian telecommunications will become truly ‘operator-led’ and move towards a post-paid market with low-cost entry prices and instalment plans on better-quality devices,” said Socheath Chea, head of mobile for Samsung in Cambodia. …

Eddie Morton