NGOs, Sar Kheng talk investigation

Interior Minister Sar Kheng sat down with representatives from 10 civil society organisations on Friday for what Cambodian Center for Human Rights president Ou Virak described as a “very frank discussion” of how to handle the investigation into the multitude of alleged irregularities in last month’s national election. According to Virak, who attended the meeting, civil society made a handful of key recommendations and proposed an ad hoc investigative body led by the Cambodian People’s Party and the Cambodia National Rescue Party, with limited involvement from the National Election Committee, and civil society conducting the investigation and offering technical assistance. “We recommended the UN is involved in some capacity, but mainly, at the very least, as an observer. But Mr Sar Kheng agreed that civil society should be involved, which is positive,” Virak said yesterday. “He did say that [the body] had to be within the legal framework, which would mean the NEC would have to be involved,” he added. “We agreed that the NEC could be involved in moderating, but not in dictating the investigation…. But in the mechanisms that we push for, there needs to be a consensus, and the real power should lay with the two parties.” …

The Phnom Penh Post