Party of ideas resigned to fate in council vote

The Liberal Democracy Party (LDP) has waited four years to raise its political agenda from the commune to the district level. The minor party, which preaches power for the people rather than the prime minister, sat quietly on the sidelines as the CPP and CNRP fought it out in the 2013 national election. But come May 18, commune councilors across the country will vote candidates onto district and provincial councils. Here in Siem Reap province, where support for the LDP is concentrated, the party has the power to put Sao Sophin, a 37-year-old party stalwart, on the Sotr Nikum district council. On election day, 82 commune councilors will vote to fill 19 seats on the Sotr Nikum district council, meaning four ballots wins a seat. The LDP, with five commune councilors casting a ballot, sits perfectly poised to elevate its political voice to the next level—as long as at least four remain true to their party. …

Matt Blomberg and Sek Odom