Rainsy tells supporters to heed fall of Yanukovich

SA’ANG DISTRICT, Kandal province – A little over a month after supporters of Prime Minister Hun Sen forced the cancellation of an opposition party rally here, CNRP leaders Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha returned to address followers and promise that the change that swept away Ukraine’s president would soon sweep over Cambodia. Speaking to about 600 local supporters from a tarpaulin-covered stage on a small plot of land in Troeuy Sla commune, Mr. Rainsy told his audience that Cambodia would soon be free of dictatorship in a manner similar to what unfolded recently in Kiev when months of civil unrest toppled Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich. … “If you want a solution without bloodshed and cruel activity, you should stop because one day the people who take orders from you will get tired, wake up, and they will stop,” he[Sam Rainsy] said, claiming that millions will join future rallies organized by the CNRP. “The next demonstration will not be 200,000, but 2 million. So, be ready to make it 2 million and it will be the same as Ukraine. There will be no armed forces shooting at protesters. They [the armed forces] will be hand-in-hand with the protesters.” The opposition leaders’ fiery speeches came a day after Mr. Hun Sen announced that he had reinstated the constitutional right to freedom of assembly, which he suspended after military police killed five striking protesters and wounded more than 40 on January 3. However, Mr. Hun Sen also warned that wherever the opposition gathers in protest, supporters of his ruling party would be present too. Keeping supporters of both parties apart might require walls being built at the public gathering area known as Freedom Park in Phnom Penh, Mr. Hun Sen joked on Tuesday. …

Phorn Bopha