Reports on Cambodian Election Irregularities Submitted

The Cambodian National Election Committee (NEC) on Wednesday received more than 10 reports documenting irregularities in last month’s national elections. International and local rights groups and observers have called for further investigation into the allegations of irregularities, which presents a potential roadblock to the formation of a government. Election officials say they have formed a commission to investigate the information in the reports, which were filed by representatives of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party and the royalist Funcinpec, as well as local officials at various polling sites. Yim Sovann, spokesman for the Rescue Party, told VOA the opposition has received more than 10,000 complaints from supporters. … Meanwhile, Cambodian election monitors say the National Election Committee has denied them access to key documents that would help them independently evaluate election complaints. Monitors say the National Election Committee has not allowed them to inspect the national voter registry, the record of polling information at polling stations, or the registered list of voter ID cards, all of which stand at the center of the complaints. …