Wang Yi’s Show of Support for Government Is Applauded

A government spokesman on Thursday welcomed remarks of support for the ruling CPP from China’s foreign minister, saying they showed Cambodia’s main benefactor was an example to other foreign states. Following meetings with Prime Minister Hun Sen and Foreign Min­ister Hor Namhong on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi congratulated the CPP on its election victory, even though official results have not been announced and are still under contention, and suggested China would help Cambo­dia to resist outside interference. “China will continue to thoroughly support Cambodia in preventing disturbance from outside,” Mr. Wang said during a joint press conference with Mr. Nam­hong. “China will continue to thoroughly support the Royal Govern­ment in order to ensure stability and economic development and peace.” Several Western nations, most notably the U.S., have called for an investigation into allegations of vote rigging during the July 28 national election, which both the CPP and opposition CNRP claim to have won. In response to Mr. Wang’s comments, Council of Ministers spokes­man Phay Siphan said other nations should take note of China’s regard for Cambodia’s sovereignty. “The Chinese foreign minister went with the principle of sovereignty and an independent state. It’s a principle of the U.N. charter,” Mr. Siphan said. “China is a superpower that shows a role model to others. They [the Chinese] respect sovereignty and the people’s choice.” Mr. Siphan contrasted China’s approach to Cambodia with other mem­bers of the U.N. Security Council. “China helps Cambodia to have an equal footing with others like the neighboring countries in terms of economics, in terms of independence in our foreign policy and in terms of neutrality,” he said. Asked about Mr. Wang’s comments, Cheng Hongbo, chief of the political section at the Chinese Embassy in Phnom Penh, said the foreign minister’s remarks were not directed at anyone in particular. …

Simon Lewis and Khuon Narim