Hun Sen Moves Ahead With ‘Reform’ Plan, Minus Opposition

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday laid out more details in his plan to introduce a series of political reforms after a narrow win for his long-ruling CPP at the polls in July, including creating a new national working group and establishing public forums to gather input in every province starting next month. Mr. Hun Sen expanded on the plan during a three-and-a-half-hour meeting with top officials from each ministry, behind closed doors inside his office building in Phnom Penh. Contacted afterward, Sak Setha, a secretary of state at the Ministry of Interior, said the meeting was a follow-up to the six-hour speech Mr. Hun Sen delivered at the first meeting of his new Cabinet in late September. … “Our national working group will go down to work with the provincial authorities beginning in February. We will hold public forums to discuss with the people in the provinces,” Mr. Setha said. “We think this is a strategy to reform the government.” …

Khy Sovuthy