Announcement on the agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Government of Malaysia for the elimination of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of tax evasion and avoidance-DTA
On 03 September 2019, the General Department of Taxation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued an announcement on the agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Government of Malaysia for the elimination of double taxation with respect to taxes on income ...
General Department of Taxation
Notification on facilitating the travel of tourists and travelers at the international border checkpoints and international gateways
On 01 September 2019, the Ministry of Tourism issued a notification to facilitate travelers and reduce unnecessary barriers to international tourists visiting Cambodia. The Ministry of Tourism has cooperated with the Ministry of Interior (Department of Immigration), and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (General Department ...
Ministry of Tourism
Notification on the provision of free services of public city bus and taxi boat for workers
On 30 August 2019, Phnom Penh City Hall issued a notification on the provision of free services of public city bus and taxi boat operated by the Phnom Penh Autonomous Bus Transportation Authority to workers for next 2 years starting from 01 September 2019 to 01 ...
Phnom Penh City Hall
Announcement: Prakas on determine categories of job and ban foreign nationals from self-employment
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (August 28, 2019) issues an order to classify the jobs’ listing and to bar foreign nationals from self-employment. The legal document, which issued with number 360/19 and dated on 28 August 2019, categories the types of job that ...
Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training
Announcement on the approval for Cambodian oil and gas concession requested by Angkor Gold Corp.
On 13 August 2019, Mr. Stephen Burega, Chief Executive Officer at Angkor Gold Corp. announced that Angkor, through its subsidiary EnerCam Resources Co. Ltd. (“EnerCam”), had received the approval of the Royal Government of Cambodia on its application for a 7300 square kilometre oil and gas concession in Cambodia. The ...
Angkor Gold Corp.
Press release on Flooding Situation in Preah Sihanouk Province
On 09 August 2019, the Sihanoukville provincial government issued a press release informing the public of the flood situation in Sihanoukville, which has been affected by the southwest monsoon and low pressure systems (ITCZ) causing unusually heavy rainfall. At 2 pm on 09 August, the floodwater ...
Preah Sihanouk Provincial Administration
Announcement: Data literacy training
Open Development Cambodia (ODC), with financial assistance from USAID’s Cambodian Civil Society Strengthening project, is delighted to announce a series of Training on Data Literacy that consists of THREE training modules and a final workshop. Each phase is a 5-day workshop that will progressively equip ...
Open Development Cambodia
Statement on “Collateral Damage: Land Loss and Abuses in Cambodia's Microfinance Sector”
On 07 August 2019, Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) and Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT) released an statement examine human rights abuses in Cambodia’s microfinance sector. According to their joint report, more than 2 million Cambodians currently have a loan with ...
Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
Please release: Outcomes of the 52nd ASEAN Foriegn Ministers' Meeting 30-31 July 2019, Bangkok
On 01 August 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia posted a press release on the outcome of the 52nd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM), ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Interface with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights and the Meeting ...
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Press release: Japan provides USD 310,777 for promoting inclusive education in Kandal province
On 02 August 2019, the government of Japan has agreed to provide USD 310,777 to AAR Japan under the framework, the Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO projects. The Grant Contract has been singed between H.E. Mr. Horinouchi Hidehisa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to ...
Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Press release: Launch of the Cambodia - Australia water utility improvement program
On 16 July 2019, the Australian Embassy in Cambodia announced the launching of “Cambodia-Australia Water Utility Improvement Program (WUIP)”. The program will support Cambodian water operators to improve water service delivery across Cambodia. The WUIP will connect South East Water, a major water utility based ...
Australian Embassy in Cambodia
Press release: Implementation of measures against individuals/companies and the means involved in forest crime
On 8 July 2019, the National Committee for Prevention and Crackdown on National Resources Offences issued a press release on the implementation of strict legal measures to combat forest crimes. Means related to forest crimes such as cars, tractor, and motorbikes will be requested to local ...
National Committee for Prevention and Crackdown on National Resources Offences
Training of the Trainers (TOT) on Digital Skills and Computer Science
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) together with the ICT4D Cambodia Network are the local partners in Cambodia to implement the ASEAN Digital Innovation Program, which is supported by the ASEAN Foundation and the Microsoft. We are delighted to be organizing the Training of the Trainers (TOT) ...
Open Development Cambodia
Prey Lang Community Network: A statement on the rapid increase in forestry crimes
On 17 June 2019, Prey Lang Community Network of four provinces such as Kratie, Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, and Kampong Thom, released a statement on the increase of illegal logging and many illegal activities in the Prey Lang forest. The majority of illegal activities found ...
Prey Lang Community Network
A joint statement of environmental youth calls for a stronger commitment to combat climate change
On 07 June 2019, environmental organizations, associations, and youth issued a joint statement calling on the government, private sector, youth, and the public to engage actively in the fight against climate change through the environmental protection and reduction of carbon emission. In the statement, they ...
Cambodian Youth Network
Instruction on the payment of pre-2019 seniority indemnity for enterprises in garment and footwear industries
On 10 June 2019, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training issued an instruction on payment of new seniority indemnity for enterprises in garment and footwear industries to properly implement Prakas No. 443 K.B/Br.K.Kh.L issued on 21 September 2018 on payment of seniority indemnity. The instruction includes ...
Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training
Press release on NTFP-based enterprise by the local community create incentives for social and environmental protection
On 10 June 2019, the Ministry of Environment issued a press release expressing the significant contribution of non-timber forest producer groups and associations as social protection as well as their commitment to forest conservation and poverty eradication goals. About 68% of total rural households across ...
Ministry of Environment
Instruction on payment of new seniority indemnity in each year from 2019 (for all enterprises and establishments)
On 10 June 2019, the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training issued an instruction on payment of new seniority indemnity in each year from 2019 (for all enterprises and establishments) to properly implement Prakas No. 443 K.B/Br.K.Kh.L issued on 21 September 2018 on payment of seniority indemnity. ...
Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training
Press release: discussion meeting between His Excellency CHEA Sophara and the EU Fact-Finding Mission on the Implementation of the Everything But Arms (EBA) Scheme
On 06 June 2019, His Excellency CHEA Sophara, with His Excellency Say Samal; representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation met the EU Fact-Finding Mission on the Implementation of the ...
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction Cambodia
Announcement on the resumption of regular school hours
Following an announcement to reduce school hours during the hot season, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport on 05 June, 2019 has announced the resumption of regular school hours after rainy season has started. The following are the regular hours:In the morning, classes start ...
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Press release on the removal of the one per cent 'Minimum Tax'
On 29 May 2019, the Ministry of Economy and Finance issued a press release on the cancellation of the one percent Minimum Tax which was announced by the Prime Minister Hun Sen in Cambodia’s investment environment seminar held in Japan. This Minimum Tax will be ...
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Workshop: mobile data collection with Kobo Toolbox
Open Development Cambodia is delighted to organize the workshop “Mobile Data Collection with Kobo Toolbox”. The course will focus on: Principle and application of Kobo Toolbox which is a suite mobile data collection technology for building form questionnaire, data collection and management for higher quality.Hands-on practice ...
Open Development Cambodia
Press release: Germany committed to end poverty in Cambodia-Governmental negotiations successfully concluded
On 15 May 2019, the German Embassy in Phnom Penh issued a press release on the commitment of Germany to end poverty in Cambodia. Germany will provide a loan for rural infrastructure, a grant for nutrition and social accountability, and increase its capacity building efforts ...
German Embassy Phnom Penh
Announcement on higher education scholarships for disabled students
On 03 May 2019, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport issued an announcement on higher education scholarships for disabled students. The ministry encouraged the disabled students (deafness, blindness, other disability) to have the privilege to receive scholarships for their tertiary education automatically for any major ...
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport