
Agricultural management systems and technologies

Imports of fertilisers, pesticides over 900K tonnes

Cambodia imported 47,409 tonnes of pesticides and 858,632 tonnes of agricultural fertilisers in the first five months of 2021, a “sharp increase” year-on-year, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries reported on August 9. ...

Thou Vireak

Australian organic enterprise to offer Cambodian farmers overseas training experience

An Australian organic farming firm is offering jobs to Cambodians. The news came out at a meeting between Lexmin Pty Cambodia CEO Robert K Chelliah and Agriculture Minister Veng Sakhon yesterday. ...

Michael Firn

Farmers get veg safety tips

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon emphasised the importance of training farmers on integrated land and nutrient management procedures for safe vegetable production after more than 300 farmers received the training on July 29. ...

Long Kimmarita

Kampong Chhnang large irrigation project finished

The construction of the Lum Hach irrigation and drainage system in Kampong Chhnang province’s Boribor, Teui Phos and Rolea Ba’ier districts has been completed and can provide water to 3,289ha of land. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Kampot assists drought-hit rice farmers with emergency water

Kampot provincial authorities have assisted 204 families by pumping water to them to rescue their rice fields in five villages covering 195ha as they are facing water shortages due to a drought in Kampong Trach district. ...

Nov Sivutha

Reservoir dam in Tboung Khmum restored

The Tboung Khmum Provincial Authorities on Wednesday completed the restoration of Prek Chik Reservoir Dam, the main reservoir collecting and receiving water from Mekong River during the high water season, to supply water to drought areas in Tboung Khmum and Kampong Cham provinces. ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Birdlife frees 20 water pools in Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary

BirdLife International Cambodia Programme yesterday said that it has freed 20 water pools in Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary in Stung Treng province in the first four months of this year to improve water sources and habitats for wildlife. ...

Sen David

Kamrieng district to have its first reservoir

Battambang province will have its first water reservoir built in the Kamrieng district at the Khmer-Thai border which will have the capacity to irrigate some 2,000 hectares of farmland. ...

Chhun Sunly

Kampong Speu canal restoration to ease farmland drought

Kampong Speu Provincial Authorities are currently restoring two main canals connecting the Tasal Lake and Reservoir in Oral district to other areas in Takeo and Kandal provinces to help alleviate drought and dry farmland. ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Drive to improve agricultural value chains across ASEAN

A German group is pushing for an increase in sustainable agricultural value chains in ASEAN to improve rural people’s livelihoods. German International Cooperation (GIZ) yesterday hosted an online forum to discuss the issue. ...

Husain Haider

West Baray water source under irrigation pressure

The Apsara National Authority (ANA) has urged farmers living in the Angkor area to grow dry-season rice crops once per year only to reduce risks of water overuse that could drain too much water from the crucial West Baray. ...

Long Kimmarita

Bakheng water treatment facility construction breaks ground

The groundbreaking ceremony of the water treatment facility in Bakheng, outskirt of Phnom Penh, takes place today, presided over by Prime Minister Hun Sen. The plant, designed and built by Vinci Construction Grands Projets, will have the capacity to supply drinking 195,000 cubic metres of ...

Chea Vanyuth

Kingdom receives $97M investment for inter-provincial irrigation project

Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Pornmoniroth said the government welcomed investments worth €80 million ($97 million) from the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (IAIP) in Cambodia.​ ...

Niem Chheng

SEARCA launches agricultural innovation plan

A regional centre of an inter-government treaty organisation focusing on agricultural research and education kicked off the implementation of its 11th five-year plan to push agricultural innovation in Southeast Asia, including Cambodia. ...


Kampong Thom needs irrigation expansion

Kampong Thom provincial authorities said yesterday irrigation infrastructures in the province are still lacking, prompting a need for the development of the agriculture and water sectors to fulfil the province’s crop production demands during the dry season. ...

Pech Sotheary

Villagers: Canals are for public

Representatives of some 3,000 families from Russey Srok commune in Prey Veng province’s Peam Chor district have accused local authorities of abusing their power by selling water pumped from three state canals to villagers. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Families propose lake restoration in Kratie province

More than 30 families in two villages in Kratie province have proposed the restoration of a 10ha natural lake named Boeung Ron to store water and irrigate the surrounding lakes. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Japan offers $310M in grants, loans to boost development

Japan is providing $310 million in development aid to Cambodia to help bolster the country’s economy. About $42.7 million will be delivered as aid, while the rest will be packaged into soft loans which Cambodia has to repay, but on very favourable terms. ...

Ry Sochan

Canal renovation to rescue farmers fields in Cholkiri

The Kampong Chhnang provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology is speeding up dredging of a 3km canal channelling water from the Tonle Sap Lake to supply 4,000ha of rice fields in Koh Thkov commune, in Cholkiri district. ...

Khout Sophak Chakrya

JICA’s irrigation rehabilitation project in three provinces is about 90 percent complete

JICA’s irrigation rehabilitation project in the provinces of Kampong Chhnang, Pursat and Battambang is about 90 percent as it is set to conclude in the middle of this year. ...

Pech Sotheary

Import of banned pesticides should be stopped

Minister of Agriculture Veng Sakhon yesterday urged his officials and stakeholders to strengthen efforts to prevent the sale of banned or counterfeit pesticides and fertilisers in the Kingdom. ...

Pech Sotheary

Compensation demanded over reservoir construction

More than 100 families in Preah Vihear province are demanding compensation from the authorities over the construction of a reservoir which they claim had affected their livelihoods. The villagers said the Raksa reservoir, a government-run project for storing water in Chey Sen and Rovieng districts ...

Long Kimmarita

Restoration of irrigation systems set to begin in four provinces

The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, through the Asian Development Bank (ADB)-financed Climate Friendly Agri-Business Value Chains (CFAVC) Sector Project, will begin restoring 32 irrigation systems and dig 800 ponds in Takeo, Kampong Cham, Kampot and Tbong Khmum provinces. ...

Voun Dara

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