Gag Order on Lawyers Sparked by Comments in Mfone Case

A controversial order instructing lawyers to consult the Cam­bodian Bar Association before making public statements was triggered by comments made by an attorney involved in the high-profile legal battle involving mo­bile operator Mfone, a spokes­man confirmed on Monday. Kuoy Thunna—who is representing Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei in its battle to recover more than $65 million in unpaid bills from the bankrupt Mfone—was told in a letter dated January 31—also posted on the Bar Association’s website—to cease speaking to the media. … During both injunctions against Mfone, Mr. Thunna spoke to re­port­ers about the details of the cas­es. And in comments published the day before the Bar As­socia­tion’s letter, Mr. Thunna told a repor­ter that the transfer of subscribers was a breach of the in­junction against Mfone. …