Group says police officer ordered boy shot

A local police official in Banteay Meanchey province allegedly ordered a villager to shoot a 16-year-old boy with an assault rifle during a crackdown on illegal fishing on Tuesday, a rights group said Friday. The boy, Eang Sok, who was hit by bullets in both feet, filed a complaint against the officer with rights group Adhoc on Wednesday, according to the group’s provincial coordinator, Soum Chankea, who said he would forward the complaint to the provincial court on Monday. … Mr. Chankea said that the boy and his father had been fishing illegally in Kampong Bey lake using electric rods, but that this did not justify the use of physical force. … Eang Sok said Friday that the officer who allegedly ordered him to be shot, deputy Prasat commune police chief Uy Pek, had caught him and his father leaving the lake with a haul of fish and two electrical devices, then grabbed him by the neck, handing his AK-47 rifle to Mr. Mom. When Sok wriggled out of the officer’s grasp and fled the scene, Mr. Pek allegedly ordered Mr. Mom to fire on the teen.

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