Prisons awash with inmates

More than two weeks since some 850 inmates were evacuated from Banteay Meanchey prison after floodwater caused a wall to collapse, the move is illuminating just how overcrowded their destinations are, an NGO worker has said.

Sharon Critoph, a prison consultant for rights group Licadho, said yesterday that according to recent numbers, more than 1,000 prisoners were being held in Battambang’s provincial prison and almost 2,000 in Siem Reap – the two chosen places of refuge for the evacuated prisoners.

According to a 2012 Licadho report, Battambang prison is designed to hold just 650 prisoners and the Siem Riep facility only 1,000. …

Among the 493 prisoners transferred to Siem Reap, none have been able to attend their individual trial proceedings, Chhem Savuth, the prison’s provincial director, said. …

Chab Voleak, the program manager for Caritas’s prison program charged with providing medical care in prisons in Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Kratie and Mondulkiri, said that while overcrowding in the Siem Reap prison was problematic, the living situation for Banteay Meanchey evacuees could be significantly worse. …

Amelia Woodside and Chhay Channyda