The Week at the CSX

The price of the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority stock over the Aug. 30-Sept. 5 period fluctuated from KHR 6,350 (US$1.57) to KHR 6,450 (US$1.59), but trading volumes went down to zero again on Aug. 31, the second time in the bourse's short history. ... With the price at KHR 6,450 on Aug. 30, a trading volume of 16,200 shares generated about KHR 104.2 million (US$25,700). Then, on Aug. 31, trading volume fell to zero. A report from Phnom Penh Securities explained that the market on that day could not reach the executed price because the minimum price offered by sellers was KHR 6,450 and the maximum price bid by buyers was KR 6,400. This was the second time since the market was launched in April that the CSX failed to reach a matching price. ...