Torture, beating of detainees continue, report finds

Detainees and prisoners continue to be administered electric shocks, beaten unconscious and even smothered by plastic bags, with 49 new allegations of torture or abuse at the hands of authorities this year, according to rights group Licadho, which says in a report released Wednesday that the government has been ineffective in stopping the trend. “In the first four months of 2014 alone, Licadho received 49 allegations of torture or ill-treatment during arrest or in police custody,” the report says. … The rights group has collected more than 500 detailed testimonies of people who have experienced or witnessed torture at the hands of officials in police stations and prisons around the country since 2008, with about 90 percent of cases occurring with victims in police custody. In its report, timed to coincide with International Day Against Torture today, Licadho says despite Cambodia having ratified a protocol to stamp out torture, no concrete actions have been taken by the government to that end. …

Lauren Crothers