ODC ISAC infographics shared via mobile app
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) team designed budget infographics of Sangkat administrations in target municipalities of the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) project, namely Ta Khmau, Kampot, Siem Reap, Kampong Chhnang, Battambang, Serie Saophoan and Poi Pet.
In November 2021, ODC collaborated with one of ISAC implementing partners, Amara Cambodia Woman Network for Development (AMARA), to share social accountability information via the Punleu Seva Moulthan app (and web portal). The mobile app and web portal aim to simplify the citizens’ access to information for citizens (I4C) to increase citizens’ knowledge of their rights and voice to demand better public service delivery in the Primary Schools, Health Centers, and Sangkat Administration sectors in all target Sangkats in Battambang, promote public transparency and response, allow citizens to provide feedback about local public service delivery and disseminate the Joint Accountability Action Plan (JAAP) implementation progress.
AMARA’s app included ten budget infographics developed by ODC for its work for the ongoing ISAC project. These infographics covered Sangkat budgets in the municipality of Battambang in 2021. In this prior year, 3578 users accessed the app/portal. ODC will share additional infographics on health center and primary school budgets with AMARA’s app team in 2023.