Supplier of Gap in Spotlight

Workers striking at Ocean Garment factory say they still fear for their safety after being ordered back to work on Friday, where a manager accused of sexual harassment continues to work. More than 2,500 workers at the Phnom Penh factory – which supplies retail giant Gap – rallied behind six female employees, who accused their Bangladeshi manager, Faruk Ahmad, of sexual abuse, in an August 11 protest that has stretched on for nearly two weeks. … [Pav Sina, president of the Collective Union of Movement of Workers] said the workers had continued their strike inside the factory’s walls yesterday, and would gather again today in support of five worker representatives, suspended by Ocean despite all workers being ordered back to the factory in a Phnom Penh Municipal Court injunction on Thursday. … Sina said the company yesterday agreed to accept the five back to work, but the workers remained distrustful of management and wanted the move verified in a letter. …