
Summons arrives one year later

A Kampong Cham Provincial Court summons over a protest shocked a former local union president and his wife yesterday, since the event in question occurred more than a year ago and the union leader’s wife had no involvement in it. ...

Mom Kunthear

Factory fight: Man faints after shock of charges

One of five garment workers facing charges after a clash with security forces and other workers at a Kampong Cham footwear factory last month was hospitalised after fainting in prison. ...

Mom Kunthear

Strikers to be held in prison

The Kampong Cham Provincial Court yesterday ordered that five workers who were arrested during a violent protest at Juhui Footwear on Saturday be held in prison while charges against them are investigated. Two of them, Khun Sokhom and Mon Sarem, officials from the Coalition of Cambodian ...

Mom Kunthear and Sean Teehan

Another wage body to form

Following a meeting with parliamentarians at the National Assembly yesterday, Minister of Labour Ith Sam Heng announced the ministry would form a 27-member committee to study technical aspects of raising the minimum wage in Cambodia’s garment sector. The new committee will comprise nine representatives each from ...

Pech Sotheary and Sean Teehan

Minor fraud prompts hard prison sentence

A former civil servant was sentenced on Friday to five years in prison by Kampong Cham Provincial Court for stealing the pensions of 10 retired teachers – a total of $500 – in March 2012. Mang Yusreng, former chief of the Social Affairs Office in Srei ...

Chhay Channyda

Inmate died after hours without aid, prisoners say

A 41-year-old prisoner died of a heart attack in Prey Sar prison’s Correctional Center 1 on February 15, but only after he spent more than two hours stuck in his overcrowded cell waiting for medical treatment, his fellow prisoners allege. CC1 administrator Khuth Vuthy, who confirmed ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

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