
BarCamp Sihanoukville 2013 Recap

On December 7th and 8th, a small team from ODC jumped in a bus and traveled to Kampong Som to participate in BarCamp Sihanoukville. The conference was held at Build Bright University. The day-and-a-half-long event featured presentations from specialists of many fields and interests, including information technology, mapping and GIS, writing and journalism, UX and design, and photography. ODC presented on three different topics.On Saturday morning Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator Penhleak Chan ran a session on “data journalism” to a room of interested youth. Data journalism was defined, its uses were explained, and many examples of successful contemporary data journalism were shown. The presentation wrapped up with a description of the DW Akademie-hosted data journalism workshop to be offered in January in partnership with ODC, Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia (WMC), the Department of Media and Communication (DMC) at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, the Club of Cambodian Journalists and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Cambodia Office. You can view Penhleak’s slide ...

ODC Resources at Work & Honorable Mentions

By making information accessible to anyone with an internet connection, ODC facilitates rational, fact‑based dialogue, improved communication, strengthened policy making, and better development planning across all sectors. The ODC website has been featured on Le Petit Journal, an online French newspaper, as a case of ...

Championing Girls in IT - Passerelles Numeriques Cambodia

Passerelles Numeriques (PN) is a non-profit IT training center. PN has programs in France, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. PN Cambodia was launched in 2005. The sponsorship are supported by Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), SUPINFO, CISCO, Microsoft, HP, Accenture, Steria, and Osiatis. The ...

PPMM #22: Highwater Risk Analysis & [Forest Cover] Change Detection

PPMM #22: Highwater Risk Analysis & [Forest Cover] Change DetectionPlease consider yourself invited!In honor of the recent Water Festival, let’s re-celebrate it in our own geeky way – via mapping. WaterSHED Cambodia and 1001 Fountaines took a raincheck but expressed an interest in giving a ...

Data Journalism & ODC: A LepetitJournal's Featured News Report

If you read French, below is what LepetitJournal, a French online newspaper, has to say about ODC: DATA JOURNALISME – Open Developpement Cambodia : les développeurs du développement. Voici le premier site de « data journalisme » du Cambodge. D’abord décidées à cartographier les ressources naturelles, les ...

PPMM #21: Monitoring Forest Degradation Using Satellite Imagery | When Mapping Meets Arts

Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup #21You’re invited to the PPMM #21, which is scheduled for Tuesday, October 29. Please mark your calendar and extend the invite to your friends. We have two very exciting presentations/discussions:1.  Paul, from Aruna Technology,  is giving a presentation on remote sensing, using ...

Celebrating the October 2013 ODC Open House

On Monday, October 21st, Open Development Cambodia opened its doors to a group of wonderful supporters here in Phnom Penh. During the open house Terry Parnell welcomed guests to the space, Thy Try introduced himself as ODC Director, and Chunly Serey Vicheth and Chan Penhleak led ...

Taking ODC's Data Collection Ethos to BarCamp Phnom Penh

Penhleak providing a “walk” through the ODC websiteOn Saturday, October 19, ODC Research & Volunteer Coordinator Chan Penhleak gave an interactive presentation session on “How to Locate, Fact-Check, and Share Cambodia’s Development Data” at the BarCamp Phnom Penh, which was held at the Institute of Technology of ...

Making Digital Maps Using Free and Simple Mapping Applications

“There may be times when you want to explain things through maps, but you don’t know how to create the maps. With the currently available technology, creating map has become relatively easy. You no longer need to be an expert to develop maps, provided that ...

Happy Pchum Ben Day!

Wishing you a great holiday with religious festivities and celebrations. From the management and staff of ODC. ...

Introducing ODC Director Thy Try

ODC Director Thy TryWe are happy to introduce Thy Try, Open Development Cambodia’s new director as of today. Try has been involved with ODC as a member of the advisory board since 2011. He previously coordinated a project of Development and Partnership in Action (DPA). ...

ODC Participated in TechCamp Phnom Penh

Greg Bem and Penhleak ChanOn September 25-26, ODC representatives Penhleak Chan and Greg Bem attended TechCamp Phnom Penh at the Royal University of Phnom Penh’s Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Center. Part think tank and part networking party, TechCamp brought minds from all sectors to work together and ...

PPMM #20: Quantum GIS 2.0 & Geo-Tags

PPMM #20 AdvertGreetings,You’re invited to a special edition of the Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup, which is scheduled from 6:00 – 7:30pm on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013 at Equinox.Members of the PPMM group are fans of the open movement, especially open source mapping applications. In honor ...

ODC Participated in the National ICT Workshop

ODC Research & Volunteer Coordinator and Panelists from Open Insitute, InSTEDD, and the Government. Photo Credit: ICT for Development Cambodia NetworkOn Thursday, 29 August 2013, the ODC Team attended  the ICT4D Network’s National Workshop on  “Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D)”. In attendance was a ...

ODC Participated in BarCamp Kampong Cham

ODC Research & Volunteer Coordinator and ODC Design Team Leader at WorkFrom 24 to 25 August 2013, Research and Volunteer Coordinator Chan Penhleak and Design Team Leader Heng Huy Eng participated in the BarCamp event, a tech and entrepreneurship Conference, which was held in Kampong ...

PPMM #19: Open Data, Efficient Mapping Tools, and Potholes

You’re invited to the Phom Penh Mapping Meetup #19. Presenters for August’s mapping meet-up, which is taking place on Tuesday (August 27) at Equinox, have confirmed. Urban Voice will give an update on their Phnom Penh Potholes project. We have two other exciting presentations from two ...

Happy Birthday, ODC!

Members of the ODC Team and John WeeksIt’s Open Development Cambodia’s Second Birthday! We have grown tremendously since our soft launch on August 16, 2011. Some of you have been part of our development over the past two years! Others of you have been dedicated ...

Driven by data: Open Development Cambodia turns two and goes viral

— MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENT —Phnom Penh, 15 August 2013 – Open Development Cambodia (ODC), the innovative open data website that brings together a treasure trove of economic, environmental and social data on the Kingdom in one place, is celebrating its second birthday tomorrow, 16 August. And ...

Inclusion of the ODC Website in the U.S. Library of Congress Web Archives

Shapshot of the U.S. Libary of Congress E-mailOn July 24, 2013, the ODC Team received a surprise e-mail from the United States Library of Congress:“The United States Library of Congress has selected your website for inclusion in the Library’s historic collection of Internet materials related ...

Disenfranchisement at Polls as Citizens Unable to Vote and Illegal Voting Allowed

TIC Executive Director Kol PreapTransparency International Cambodia (TIC) Conducted a sample-base observation of the July 28th election and vote count. In this observation, TIC deployed a total of 906 TIC observers to a representative sample of 407 polling stations across 24 provinces and municipalities. Here ...

PPMM #18: Mapping Election Data, Garment Factories, and More

Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup #18Hello Everyone!The upcoming Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup #18, which is scheduled for Tuesday (July 30, 2013) at Equinox, will feature presentations and a panel discussion on “Mapping Election Data.” The ODC Team will speak about the ODC Election Page and related election maps. ...

ODC Organized Mekong Region’s Open Data Workshop

Group Discussion on Research and Editorial, IT and Web Design, and Mapping and GIS IssuesFrom July 18 to 20, ODC successfully organized a regional workshop on collaborative open data opportunities in the Mekong Region. The workshop aimed to stimulate discussion on open data approaches, build ...

ODC’s Governing Board Installed and By-Laws Promulgated

Members of the ODC’s Governing Board and StaffOn July 10, ODC’s governing board was installed in a reception and meeting held at the EWMI’s office. The board, comprising seven members with a vast range of knowledge and experiences in Cambodia’s development, particularly in IT field, ...

Press Release: Open Development Cambodia Launches Election Page

Students Check Out ODC’s New Elections Page at a Local Coffee ShopAn Election Info SmorgasbordOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) Posts a Wealth of Data on the Kingdom’s Upcoming Vote For an increasingly tech-savvy generation of Cambodians, Open Development Cambodia’s newly launched Khmer-language Elections Page, offers ...

Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup #17 - Photos and Presentations

Tri of Can Tho University’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources Management answering questions about water resources changes in the Mekong DeltaThe PPMM #17 was a success. We had two every engaging presenters and thirty six participants, ten of which are students. The ODC Team ...

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Do you have resources that could help expand the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) website? We will review any map data, laws, articles, and documents that we do not yet have and see if we can implement them into our site. Please make sure the resources are in the public domain or fall under a Creative Commons license.

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