ODC Presents at BarCamp Battambang!
ODC Mapper Loch Kalyan, ODC Intern Atif Choudhury, ODC Research & Volunteer Coordinator Chan Penhleak, ODC Senior Mapper Mean NaroA four-member delegation from the Open Development Cambodia team attended the two-day international technology conference BarCamp, held in Battambang. Through its theme “Empowering Youth through Technology”, BarCamp brings together information-technology enthusiasts, innovators, bloggers, students, community organizers, and data journalists such as ourselves to share our passions on a wide range of topics and projects.During one of the Saturday evening sessions, the ODC team presented in both Khmer and English to a packed room of 44 BarCampers, of whom 4 were expatriates while 40 were Cambodian students. The majority of the students were from Phnom Penh and Battambang, along with a significant presence from Kampong Cham. Our presentation emphasized ODC’s mission of compiling and sharing all data relating to Cambodia’s continuing economic development for free. The audience explored all of the various features of our website, with a particular emphasis on the ...
Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup #16 is Happening!
You’re invited to attend the ODC’s monthly Phnom Penh Map Meetup (#16), which is scheduled to take place on May 28th (a week from today) at Equinox. It will begin at 6:00pm and end by 7:30pm. Please mark your calendar and invite your friends via ...
Mekong ICT Camp, Thailand
ODC’s Project Manager Terry Parnell at the Mekong ICT Camp, in ThailandThis morning, ODC’s Project Manager Terry Parnell presented on the panel “Open Data, Social Development and the Implementation Insights” at the Mekong ICT Camp, in Thailand. ...
Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup #15
Mean Nara, ODC’s Senior Mapper, spoke to the audience about the launch of the GeoServer.On April 30, the ODC team hosted a monthly Phnom Penh Mapping Meet-up (PPMM), in which ODC, Atlas, and Sahmakum Teang Tnaut presented on the recent project updates and results. As ...
TechCamp Phnom Penh
Design Team Leader Heng Huy Eng demonstrates ODC website usage to participants.ODC team conducted a series of presentations on ODC site at TechCamp Phnom Penh, a technology conference organized by the US Embassy. The focus was on maps, and the anticipated online library and geo-server, with maps of ...
Barcamp Angkor
Lead Programmer Heng Huy Eng presents at Barcamp Angkor, with Editor Chunly Vicheth. (Sunday, February 24, 2012) (Photo: Project Coordinator John Weeks.) ...
Open Knowledge Festival / Phnom Penh Map Meetup
Heng Huy Eng (Site Coder) was preseti OKFest.Terry Parnell (ODC Planning / Admin) and Heng Huy Eng (Site Coder) attended OKFest in Helsinki in late September, you’d like to hear more about their discussions of ‘Open Development’ with participants from around the world, feel free ...
Barcamp Phnom Penh 2012
Whats new open development cambodia in Sep 21 2012 from Open Development Cambodia ...
Open Cambodia Conference
Open Cambodia ConferenceOpen Cambodia Conference Team The Open Development Cambodia Team presented last weekend at the Open Cambodia Conference, which is all about Open Source, Open Data open everything! We made new friends, and had a lot of fun. See for yourself:Conference site: http://www.opencambodia.netNews: Group: ...