Environment and natural resources
Ministry, WWF urge action to protect endangered Asian elephants
The international conservation organisation World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates that the population of elephants in Southeast Asia and China currently stands between 8,000 and 11,000, with Cambodia home to an estimated 400 to 600. ...
Phak Seangly
A decade of effort: Restoring the Tonle Sap flooded forests
In a remarkable ten-year effort, Conservation International Cambodia (CI Cambodia) has restored approximately 600 hectares of the Tonle Sap’s flooded forest, a critical ecosystem within Cambodia’s largest freshwater lake. ...
Hong Raksmey
Green Sprouts three-day distribution event in full swing
The Ministry of Environment, partner organisations and the private sector are distributing over 40,000 saplings over a period of three days during the “Green Sprouts” exhibition and distribution event, held in concert with the 4th National Orchid Forum. ...
Phak Seangly
Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary’s biodiversity awareness raising
Recently, WCS’s wildlife monitoring team leads an educational campaign to raise awareness of the importance of wildlife and biodiversity conservation to local communities and students inside and around Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Minister praises Mekong dolphin conservation, amid concerns over rising deaths
While the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has stated that the death of Mekong River dolphins is on the decline, World Wildlife Fund Cambodia (WWF) has stated that cases have continued to rise in the last three years. ...
Mother Nature activists produce live podcast before hearing, urge court to summon founder to trial
Five environmental activists, charged with insulting the King and plotting against the government, produced a 30-minute podcast live on Facebook just before their third hearing to prove their innocence. ...
Khuon Narim and Seoung Nimol
Bush meat still on the ‘unwritten’ menu despite joint efforts to curb poaching
Wildlife outside the zoo is hard to spot without camera traps, but their meat can be found on unwritten menus – through the whispers of sellers – in some local restaurants in Koh Kong and several other provinces. ...
Niem Chheng
Mixed dolphin pod raises eyebrows
Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC) and the Kampot provincial Fisheries Administration (FiA) observed an unusual member of a pod of humpback whales swimming in the Prek Tnaot River in Kampot province on May 30. ...
Phak Seangly
Youths cycle 1,000km to promote environmental protection from Ratanakiri to Kep
Twenty-five youths set off on a 1,000-kilometer cycling campaign in conjunction with World Environment Day on June 5 to raise awareness on the protection of natural resources and prevention of deforestation. ...
Khuon Narim
Coral spawning observed in Cambodian waters
Conservationist working groups have urged participation in protecting and conserving important coral habitats following the first-ever observation of coral reef spawning in Cambodian seawaters. ...
Post Staff
WCS and local authorities educate secondary and high school students about the endangered species
In WCS’s Tonle Sap Landscape program, Community outreach programs play an important role in raising local awareness of wildlife conservation and engaging them in protecting and conserving natural resources. ...
Khmer Times Staff
The Mekong ranks as the third most biodiverse river worldwide
A groundbreaking report supported by USAID highlights the critical state of biodiversity in the Mekong River. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Bengal florican habitat loss threatens survival
The Wonders of the Mekong project, aimed at promoting sustainable rivers in Southeast Asia, recently highlighted findings from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Cambodia indicating that vast amounts of Bengal florican habitats around Tonle Sap Lake have been lost due to encroachment on natural grasslands. ...
Chea Sokny
MoT, WWF team up to promote green tourism
The Ministry of Tourism (MoT) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) teamed up to promote ‘green tourism’ in the Kingdom by prioritising the conservation of natural resources while promoting the use of renewable energy aimed at turning the country into a world-class tourism ...
Nhean Chamrong
Angkor-Manulife Community Park project launches with over 10,000 saplings planted
In collaboration with Manulife Cambodia, the APSARA Authority has launched the “Angkor-Manulife Community Park” project, aiming to plant over 10,000 saplings in a 5.5-hectare area in Angkor Park. ...
Khmer Times Staff
NGOs: Crocodile protection crucial
World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and Fauna & Flora International (FFI) are stepping up breeding activities in Cambodia’s Siamese crocodile sanctuaries. ...
Chea Sokny
Rare birds’ nests up at Mondulkiri sanctuary
In a promising sign for conservationists, the Bird Nest Protection Project by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Cambodia has dramatically boosted the numbers of rare bird nests at Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province, hopping from 11 nests in 2018 to an impressive 41 ...
Chea Sokny
Rangers discover grey-headed eagle nests
In Kampong Thom province, adjacent to the Tonle Sap Lake and Stung Sen River, park rangers, backed by NatureLife Cambodia, discovered eight grey-headed fish eagle nests during the new spawning season, which concluded in December. ...
Kim Yutharo
Sarus crane population up? Survey underway
Wildlife organisation officials have drawn attention to the presence of sarus cranes in six provinces of Cambodia. The population remains larger than that of Laos or Vietnam. ...
Chea Sokny
Kingdom endorses dolphin declaration
A senior official from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, along with representatives from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Cambodia, attended the Global Declaration of River Dolphins event in Bogota, Colombia, on October 23-24. ...
Post Staff
Event boosts awareness of plight of Irrawaddy dolphin
As Freshwater Dolphin Day was observed on October 23 in Colombia, Cambodian officials and wildlife conservationists expressed their strong commitment to protecting the Mekong Irrawaddy dolphin through both art and a scientific approach. ...
Post Staff
‘Crane Rice’ programme promotes conservation
Delegates from 10 countries recently explored the “Srov Met Kriel” or “Crane Rice Field” initiative within the Anlung Pring Protected Landscape in Kampot province, delving into its accomplishments and challenges. ...
Post Staff
WOAH lauds Cambodia’s vet training programme
The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and the International Veterinary Medical Association have selected Cambodia as a model country for the training of veterinarians to strengthen the veterinary system in a number of partner countries. ...
Hang Punreay
Condition of Indochinese Leopard casts shadow over tiger reintroduction efforts
A report published in June this year concluded Indochinese leopards are functionally extinct in Cambodia after camera traps failed to capture a single image of them in 2021. ...
Andrew Califf