Ministry to probe child labour
The Ministry of Labour says it will investigate the claims of a Royal Holloway, University of London research team’s report alleging modern slavery in Cambodia’s brick kilns, said Minister of Labour Ith Sam Heng. The report entitled Blood Bricks: Untold Stories of Modern Slavery and ...
Mech Dara
‘Trapped in debt bondage’
Cambodia’s construction boom has pushed thousands of families into modern slavery in the brick industry through debt bondage, a report by researchers from London’s Royal Holloway University say. The blood bricks report was released on Tuesday following the sharp rise in Cambodian brick prices in ...
Mech Dara
Committee to relocate national park villagers
The Ministry of Environment and Siem Reap provincial administration have formed a joint committee to deliberate the relocation of 5,000 people from Kulen Mountain following deforestation in the tourist area. Ministry spokesman Neth Pheaktra said on Sunday that the livelihood of the people affects the ...
Voun Dara
Government to pay LIDA workers
The Labour Ministry will pay money to 257 garment workers today from the LIDA factory in Phnom Penh who rallied multiple times over missing wages after their employer fled. A ministry press release yesterday advised the workers to get the cash at the company’s office ...
Sen David
Sihanoukville tourism First half of 2018 sees 1.3M visitors
The Preah Sihanouk provincial Department of Tourism says Preah Sihanouk province received more than 1.3 million tourists during the first semester of this year. Of this, over one million were domestic tourists and 290,782 foreign, with Chinese accounting for 84,664 – up 10.12 per cent ...
Hin Pisei
Improving construction sector safety
Labour Ministry officials met with members of Japan’s parliament and the International Labour Organisation to discuss a project aimed at improving safety standards in the construction sector on Thursday. ...
Mom Kunthear
Chemical analysis systems to increase food safety
Local produce can now be checked for pesticide residue using the technique known as chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) after the Ministry of Agriculture acquired LCMS systems that can be deployed to farms around the country. ...
Chea Vannak
Over 100 factories launched so far this year
More than 100 factories have started operations in the Kingdom in the last eight months, according to a report from the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft. The latest report from the ministry shows that, from January to August, 116 new factories registered with the ministry, ...
Sok Chan
Bayon restoration to resume
The Japanese and Cambodian governments have allocated $1,5 million to fund phase five of the Bayon temple restoration project, a Unesco official said on Tuesday. Unesco Culture Programme Specialist Philippe Delanghe told The Post yesterday that the project which is slated to begin this year ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
PM: $4.15 million spent on pregnant garment workers
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said that the government has spent millions of dollars on more than 40,000 pregnant female workers this year. During a speech to workers in Kampong Speu province, Mr Hun Sen said that about 42,000 female garment workers have delivered about ...
Mom Kunthear
PM demands end to road blocking protest
Speaking at a gathering of 27,444 workers from 24 factories in Kampong Speu province’s Kong Pisey district, Hun Sen cited a recent incidence in which around 700 workers from Chim Li Cambodia blocked National Road 4 in Por Sen Chey district to demand severance packages ...
Kong Meta
Union leader warns of protests
A prominent union leader on Tuesday threatened to hold a large-scale demonstration if the newly elected government ignores the European Union’s resolution demanding a political compromise between the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and the court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Protesting workers block National Road 4
The Ministry of Labour has promised to pay Ghim Li factory workers in Por Senchey district after they again protested yesterday and blocked National Road 4 over missing wages. More than 500 of 2,500 garment workers at the factory protested along the road yesterday to ...
Sen David
Employees sit out and block road
Around 700 garment workers blocked National Road 4 in Por Sen Chey district on Monday in a protest to demand severance packages they claimed their factory owed them after it shut down. The workers said Chim Li Cambodia Pte Ltd, which has since taken over ...
Kong Meta
Firms eye Kingdom as tariffs mount on factories in China
The Kingdom is becoming more attractive than ever for fashion companies that are looking to diversify their supply chains in response to the escalating trade war between the US and China, industry experts say. ...
Hor Kimsay
PP garment workers continue wage protest
About 200 garment workers at a factory located in the capital’s Steung Meanchey Commune1, Meanchey district, have been protesting since Monday after the owner fled without paying their August wages. The workers who were employed by a sub-contractor who supplies garments to a foreign buyer ...
Kong Meta
CLC proposes $211 as minimum wage
The Cambodian Labour Confederation yesterday said that it will propose $211.94 to be the new minimum wage for garment workers during this month’s negotiations. CLC made the announcement after a meeting between various unions which touched upon criteria that included cost of living, inflation, productivity, ...
Sen David
Rare tree plantings to lure tourists
Hundreds of rosewood trees will be planted in Siem Reap province as a natural tourist site and to preserve the rare trees in Cambodia. The provincial information department said on Wednesday that the government planned to plant 500 rosewood trees on 1,888 hectares in Banteay ...
Or Sreypich
Koh Kong ‘Vacation Town’ to cost $1.2B
Union Development Group (UDG), the Chinese developer behind Koh Kong province’s $3.8 billion tourism project called Dara Sakor, has unveiled plans for yet another project called “Tourism Vacation Town”. The announcement comes despite the company releasing little information about its previously touted venture. ...
Hor Kimsay
Local cotton farming abandoned
Despite huge amounts of potential and a well-rooted past, the Kingdom’s cotton cultivation industry seems to be hanging by a thread. Though the country relies heavily on cotton fabric in its massive garment sector, insiders say Cambodian farmers have mostly abandoned the crop. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Minimum wage talks officially begin
Negotiations to determine 2019’s minimum wage for garment workers began at the Labour Ministry yesterday with the issue of worker welfare as the first order of business, the Labour Advisory Committee said. ...
Sen David
Wildlife busts in Kingdom’s north
The Mondulkiri provincial Environment Department launched a campaign among the Banong, Krueng and Tumpuon ethnic communities to create awareness about the importance of wildlife to the ecology and tourism sector. The communities live close to wildlife sanctuaries. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Soth Koemsoeun
Sea festival to take place in Koh Kong
The seventh Sea Festival will be held in Koh Kong province in December, serving as a platform from which to introduce local tourism products to domestic and international travellers. ...
Chea Vannak
PM: $22 million spent on missing wages
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said the government has spent $22 million on missing wages for factory workers as it continues to side with them in cases where employers have closed shop and fled. ...
Sen David