Institut Pasteur du Cambodge: COVID-19 related activities update on 25 February 2020

On 25 February 2020, the Institute Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) has announced on the update of COVID-19 related activities. Utilizing BLS-3-level biosafety and biosecurity capacity in conjunction with multiple diagnostic tests according to the WHO interim guidance, IPC has implemented, validated, and ensured diagnostic capacity to identify and respond to COVID-19 in Cambodia. Working closely with the Cambodia Center for Disease Contril (CDC), the coordinating entity designated for notification of suspected cases, [nasal and throat] swab samples from suspected cases are sent toIPC in timely manner and processed immediately. All sample are subjected to testing according to validated protocols and suspected cases are tested with multiple diagnostic tests to ensure validity.

On 27 January, IPC confirmed the first and only COVID-19 case in Cambodia in traveler visiting Cambodia from Wuhan, China. As of this date, this Cambodian CDC/IPC system has received 55 notifications (61 samples) of suspected cases and 8 close contacts (11 samples) through this notification alert system. Subsequently, 1,580 samples from asymptomatic Westerdam passengers (n=804 samples) and crew (n=776 samples) were tested negative for COVID-19. Also, the testing samples from asymptomatic crew from the World Dream cruise ship (n=36) and from asymptomatic Cambodian students who study in China (n=41)- all samples also tested negative for COVID-19.

IPC is designated as first line laboratory for the diagnosis of COVID-19 by the Cambodia Ministry of Health.

Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

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