Agricultural commodities, processing and products
Thais eye Keo Romeat mangoes
A Thai company has expressed an interest in exporting Kampong Speu’s Keo Romeat mangoes to Europe, America and Australia, according to a senior Agriculture Ministry official. ...
Sok Chan
Maize has local farmers’ ears
Growing demand for animal feed is driving up both the demand and price of corn, with smallholder farmers claiming the field crop offers a more stable market than cassava.Corn is grown on more than 140,000 hectares in Cambodia and can be harvested twice a year, ...
Cheng Sokhorng
World Bank subsidiary to train 2,000 contract rice farmers
A World Bank subsidiary will soon start training 2,000 farmers contracted to supply a leading Cambodian rice exporter on how to meet an international farming standard. ...
Hang Sokunthea
Partnership to lift rice standards in Kingdom
The International Finance Corporation and Amru Rice, one of Cambodia’s biggest rice exporters, launched a new partnership yesterday to improve the competitiveness of the Kingdom’s rice sector, according to a press release. ...
Post Staff
Shaky outlook for black pepper
The rapid expansion of pepper cultivation in Cambodia coincides with the spice’s plummeting world prices, creating concerns that the glut of pepper ripening on vines across the Kingdom could further erode next season’s market prices and push the sector toward a collapse. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Rain, crickets destroy 100 hectares of paddy
Floods and a plague of crickets have left about 100 hectares of rice crops destroyed in Tbong Khmum province after a week of heavy rains, local farmers and officials said yesterday. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Rice storage offers price security
The silo is expected to be finished by the end of the year and the warehouse will be fully operational for the 2018 harvest season, according to the CEO of the Cambodia Rice Bank. ...
Sok Chan
Patience a virtue for coconuts
Khdib Sreymich, general manager of Coco Khmer, a Cambodia-based coconut cosmetics manufacturer, said her company is forced to import coconuts from Vietnamese suppliers to meet consumer demand for the company’s products. She explained that the farmers preferred to sell the coconuts when they were young, ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Cashew growers brace for fall in prices
Cashew nut prices seem to have fallen slightly at the end of harvest season compared to March this year, according to the cashew nut association in Kampong Thom province. Association president Oum Uon said prices for raw cashew nuts dropped from 7,000 riel ($1.75) per kilo ...
Sok Chan
When the spice is right
This is a typical morning for many villagers in Kampot province’s Kampong Trach district, where almost 400 families are members of Kampot Pepper Promotion Association. Black Kampot pepper currently sells for $15 per kilogramme, while red fetches $25 and white $28 per kg. ...
Chea Vannak
Mango exporter fights for market share
While Cambodian mango varieties such as Keo Romeat are well regarded in overseas markets, there are constraints which need to be addressed before large scale exports can be achieved, said the owner of the largest agro-industrial company in Cambodia yesterday. ...
Chea Vannak
North Asia Resources to turn cassava into fuel
Hong Kong-listed firm North Asia Resources Holding Ltd announced yesterday that it has purchased 14,000 hectares of an economic land concession in Pursat province from Henan Tianguan Enterprise Group for $53.2 million. ...
The Phnom Penh Post Staff
Rubber prices sag under pressure
The slowdown of regional and global economies, especially in China, US dollar appreciation, unfavourable weather and global stock market speculation have plunged rubber prices, the Association for Rubber Development in Cambodia said. ...
Sok Chan
Tobacco deal leaves farmers out
it has been more than six months since Vietnam agreed to waive duties on 3,000 tonnes of Cambodian dried tobacco exports per year, yet local smallholder tobacco farmers claim the agreement has done little to improve their incomes, with some accusing large tobacco companies of ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Pepper farmers seek new GI listings
Pepper production inched up to close to 12,000 tonnes last year with cultivation on 6,124 hectares, but unstable prices have led to calls for geographic indicator (GI) certificates for a range of peppers. ...
Chea Vannak
Pursat market to boost local vegetable trade
Farmers in Pursat province are to benefit from a new vegetable market, allowing them to sell their produce for free for the first five years. The market is aimed at boosting sales of chemical-free vegetables for distribution across the country, to reduce reliance on imported vegetables ...
Sum Manet
Palm oil exports expected to rise
The Kingdom’s leading palm oil producer has projected revenues of $20 million this year as it targets another record-setting year for crude palm oil exports. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Local coffee sector gets a jolt
Several international and local coffee industry representatives gathered yesterday for the start of a three-day event promoting partnerships and franchising opportunities to satisfy Cambodia’s growing coffee cravings. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Cambodian farmers cash in on high cashew prices
International commodity prices for cashew nuts are rapidly increasing due to lower supply from Cambodia and Vietnam which is driving up profits for the Kingdom’s farmers, according to industry stakeholders. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Rice millers balk at export fees
Numerous members of the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), the body tasked with lobbying on the sectors behalf, have stopped paying membership dues and export fees, claiming that they cannot afford to as the industry continues to struggle with high production costs and regional export competition. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Ministry intervenes to halt pork price crash
The Agriculture Ministry has confirmed action to combat a drastic drop in pork prices over the past year due to illegal imports of live pigs from neighboring countries. ...
Sok Chan
Millers shun rice crisis loan fund
Rice millers have taken up less than a quarter of a $27 million emergency loan fund to stabilise prices of the grain, blaming late disbursement for the poor take up. ...
Sum Manet
Rubber prices soar by 132pct
Cambodian rubber exports increased 32 percent during the first three months of the year compared with the same period last year, while prices grew 132 percent during the first quarter, an agriculture official said yesterday. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Wildlife meat trade rampant
To get a sense of the wildlife in the forests of northeastern Cambodia, visitors need only visit Stung Treng’s central market, where – despite repeated attempts by conservation groups to crack down – illegally poached meat is sold openly, as The Post witnessed earlier this ...
Phak Seangly and Cristina Maza