Senate passes reformed election laws in quick vote
The Senate unanimously approved the country’s two new election laws in a special session Monday, with the laws now only requiring review by the Constitutional Council and assent by King Norodom Sihamoni to be enacted. ...
Kuch Naren
One-time NEC fave weighs call
The head of a local rights group who was once touted as the consensus choice for the revamped National Election Committee’s key ninth member will soon announce whether she will officially withdraw her candidacy. ...
Meas Sokchea
Prime minister ramps up threat against Kem Sokha
Prime Minister Hun Sen continued his attack on CNRP Vice President Kem Sokha on Thursday, threatening to arrest him and deploy the military if he leads a protest to demand the release of jailed opposition official Meach Sovannara. ...
Hul Reaksmey and Mech Dara
Assembly passes new election laws
The National Assembly on Thursday unanimously approved the country’s two new election laws, paving the way for the new bipartisan National Election Committee (NEC) to be established before the Khmer New Year in mid-April. ...
Kuch Naren
Cambodia OKs controversial election laws
Cambodian legislators approved two controversial election laws on Thursday that were promptly condemned by rights groups as undemocratic for their restrictive provisions — including a ban on NGOs from criticizing political parties during election campaigns. The laws, which were unanimously approved, received backing from both the ...
Aljazeera America News Staff
Prime minister warns of legal action against Kem Sokha
On the 45th anniversary of Lon Nol’s U.S.-backed 1970 ouster of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday publicly accused the opposition CNRP of working to illicitly overthrow his CPP government. ...
Hul Reaksmey and Khuon Narim
Small parties left out
Minor political parties have come out swinging at the ruling and opposition political parties for overhauling the election system on a bi-party basis. Two election-related laws that the National Assembly is expected to pass later this week have been negotiated for months solely by the CPP ...
Meas Sokchea
Laws could lead to ‘undemocratic’ elections, Human Rights Watch says
Criticism of two draft laws aimed at reforming Cambodia’s electoral system continues to grow. On Tuesday, Human Rights Watch issued a statement saying the draft laws “violate basic human rights and democratic norms and should be substantially revised before being presented to the National Assembly for ...
Heng Reaksmey
Kem Sokha was unhappy with July 22 political deal
CNRP Vice President Kem Sokha said in a speech in the U.S. last week that he was unhappy with the opposition party’s decision to end its boycott of the National Assembly last year but was prepared to “swallow gravel and rocks” to maintain unity with ...
Mech Dara and Alex Willemyns
Election gifts under scrutiny
Chuon Phang, the 79-year-old chief of Tasanh commune in Battambang’s Samlot district, has always handed out free cotton kramas to local villagers about a month ahead of elections. But the ruling Cambodian People’s Party representative does not characterise the practice as vote-buying. He says he gives ...
Kevin Ponniah and Vong Sokheng
Japan to send voter registration experts to Cambodia
Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday returned from an international disaster management conference in Japan, where he secured a promise from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to help Cambodia with voter registration once new election laws come into effect, an official said. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Election laws to get ‘no more’ discussion
Two new laws governing elections and the functioning of the National Election Committee are expected to be passed without further debate during a session of parliament later this week. ...
Meas Sokchea
National Assembly to pass two new election laws next week
Deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha said on Thursday that the National Assembly will meet next week to debate and pass the country’s two new election laws in order for the new National Election Committee (NEC) to be established before the Khmer New Year. ...
Khuon Narim
Prince Ranariddh wins Funcinpec power struggle
Prince Norodom Ranariddh completed his takeover of the royalist Funcinpec party on Thursday, with a national party congress granting him absolute control of the party following a power struggle with the man who engineered his removal as leader in 2006. ...
Kang Sothear
In new election body law, room for mischief
The opposition hailed the rewriting of Cambodia’s election laws a success on Monday, with the completion of the bills coming eight months after it ended its parliamentary boycott for pledges of a comprehensive overhaul of the National Election Committee (NEC). ...
Alex Willemyns and Kuch Naren
Strong criticism, as lawmakers discuss draft election reforms
The ruling party and opposition on Monday held a workshop to discuss two draft laws on election reform, but many civil society groups refused to attend, claiming parts of the bills fall short and are unconstitutional. Koul Panha, executive director for Comfrel, told VOA Khmer on Monday that more ...
Neou Vannarin
Racial incitement clause in law worries CNRP
The ruling CPP has denied that an article in the new election law that lays down strict penalties for politicians that incite racial discrimination during election campaigning is targeted at the opposition party. However, a CPP source familiar with election reform negotiations has disclosed that ...
Kevin Ponniah and Vong Sokheng
NGOs slam Cambodian political parties over workshop on electoral reform draft law
Representatives of more than 60 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and an electoral reform group on Monday boycotted a national workshop held Cambodia’s ruling and opposition parties on the electoral reform draft law, saying they did not have enough time to review the documents. ...
RFA Khmer News Staff
NGOs to boycott election law workshop
Dozens of NGOs are planning to boycott a workshop Monday to discuss the new election law, saying that the CPP and CNRP have not given them enough time to review the draft and that they do not want to give the event a veneer of ...
Alex Willemyns and Hul Reaksmey
Convicted dissident gets green light to register party
The Interior Ministry has given Cambodian dissident Sourn Serey Ratha permission to proceed with the registration of a political party despite the self-exiled government critic’s recent conviction in absentia for plotting an attack on the state. ...
Hul Reaksmey
NA seat count leads to concern
The allocation of two new seats to Preah Sihanouk province and absence of seats for Phnom Penh in the recently distributed draft law on electoral reform has prompted concerns that attempts are being made to manipulate the playing field ahead of the 2018 election. Ou Virak, ...
Daniel Pye and Vong Sokheng
Parties sign off on final draft of election law
The country’s two major political parties signed off on the final draft of a revised and highly controversial election law on Friday, with civil society groups arguing that the bill is unconstitutional due to a provision that restricts their activity during the election campaign period. ...
Colin Meyn and Kuch Naren
New election law to strip Assembly seats if parties boycott
The revised national election law—expected to come before parliament this month—includes a provision that allows National Assembly seats to be taken away from any political party that attempts to boycott parliament following an election, according to a draft of the law made public Thursday. ...
Colin Meyn and Kuch Naren
Logo rhythms: Prince seeks to change party’s look
FUNCINPEC heavyweight Nhek Bun Chhay has made his internal feud with party president Prince Norodom Ranariddh personal. ...
Meas Sokchea