
Landmines UXO and demining

UXO casualties ‘down by 38%’

Cambodia reported 44 casualties related to landmines and explosive remnants of war in the first four months of 2015, a 38 per cent fall from the same period last year. ...

Ethan Harfenist

Cambodia sees 35 pct drop in landmine casualties in Q1

Cambodia reported 39 landmine casualties in the first three months of 2015, a 35 percent drop compared with 60 casualties over the same period last year, according to the latest report released on Thursday. ...

The Cambodia Herald​ News Staff

Giant rats trained to smell explosives are being used to sniff out landmines in Cambodia

They may make your skin crawl, but these rats are saving lives in Cambodia. The giant rats are being used to sniff out landmines in the war-torn country, where there are as many as three million mines still scattered across the countryside. ...

Imogen Calderwood

Money a worry for deminers ahead of 2019 clean-up deadline

During the Management of Residual Explosive Remnants of War (MORE) Symposium in Siem Reap this week, attendees were invited to a demonstration at a live minefield only an hour north of the town. Despite indications that the 2019 treaty deadline would not be met and ...

Kimberley Mccosker

Mine, UXO explosions casualties up in 2014

Both the number of accidents and casualties caused by old landmines and other unexploded ordnance (UXO) rose by nearly 40 percent last year, according to the latest government data, though the two figures were still the second lowest on record following years of progress in ...

Zsombor Peter

Four children injured by UXO blast near school

Four children were injured, two of them seriously, after playing with unexploded ordnance (UXO) near their school in Siem Reap province’s Chi Kreng district on Tuesday, police said Thursday. ...

Saing Soenthrith and Alex Consiglio

Salesman maimed by mine in B Meanchey

A traveling salesman lost his leg to a landmine on Monday after going hunting outside of a village with which he was unfamiliar in Banteay Meanchey province’s Thma Puok district, police said. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Deminer was likely digging up explosive when killed

Preliminary results from an investigation into the death of a veteran deminer, who was killed instantly by an explosion while clearing a field in Pailin province on Tuesday, show that he was in the process of excavating an anti-personnel mine when the blast occurred. ...

Alex Consiglio and Saing Soenthrith

Deminer dies after mine explosion in Pailin province

A deminer was killed instantly when an anti-personnel mine exploded on Tuesday while he was clearing a field in Pailin province’s Sala Krao district, officials said. ...

Saing Soenthrith and Alex Consiglio

UXO casualties highlighted on mine awareness day

In a statement released Tuesday to mark Cambodia’s 16th National Mine Awareness Day, Prime Minister Hun Sen warns all Cambodians to be vigilant of an increase in anti-tank mine casualties. ...

Ouch Sony

Girl killed by UXO explosion in Kompong Speu

A 10-year-old girl was killed in­stantly when a piece of unexploded ordinance (UXO) detonated un­der the heat of a brush fire in in Kompong Speu province’s Oral district on Sunday afternoon, her commune chief said Monday.   ...

Sek Odom

Mine found buried near S’ville road

Officials are requesting the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) to destroy an anti-tank mine unearthed last week next to a Sihanoukville town street. According to village chief Heng Bunly, Commune 4 is rife with UXO because it was a former military base during the Lon ...

Phak Seangly

UXO casualties rising

The Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) has recorded a drastic increase in the number of deaths and injuries due to unexploded ordnance and landmines this year compared with 2013, the organisation has said. ...

Daniel Pye

Anti-tank mine injures three

Three people were severely hurt when a tractor in Banteay Meanchey ran over a buried anti-tank mine in a former battlefield on Thursday. ...

Kim Sarom

Cambodia sees 55 pct rise in landmine casualties in half year

Cambodia on Wednesday reported 101 landmine casualties in the first six months of 2014, an increase of 55 percent from 65 casualties over the same period last year. The report from the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority showed that from January to June this ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

241-Kg US war-era bomb found in Kandal province

Police and deminers in Kandal province on Wednesday removed from a riverbank a 241-kg Mark 82 bomb, of the kind the U.S. dropped on Cambodia in the heavy bombing that took place during its war against neighboring Vietnam. ...

Hay Pisey

Explosion injures one

An anti-tank mine exploded in Battambang province’s Bavel district on Saturday, injuring an agricultural worker and damaging machinery, an official said, marking the latest in an upswing of explosions this year. The victim, identified only as Sok, 46, of Bavel’s Kdol Tahen commune, and was hired ...

Kim Sarom

Casualties from UXO accelerate

Casualties from mines and unexploded ordnance are on track to outpace last year’s count, according to new government data. In the first five months of this year, 89 people were either killed or injured by the deadly remnants of war, Cambodian Mine Action Centre director-general ...

Pech Sotheary

‘Chemical’ barrels to be tested

Experts will begin tests today on two barrels discovered in Mondulkiri province earlier this week, which are suspected to contain chemicals used by the US in the 1970s in its war against the Viet Cong, officials said yesterday. Heng Ratana, director general of the Cambodian Mine ...

Sen David and Alice Cuddy

Villagers find chemicals dropped by us in 1970s

Villagers in Mondolkiri province have found a pair of rusty barrels believed to date back to the early 1970s and which officials suspect hold chemicals the U.S. used in its war against the Viet Cong to defoliate trees and eliminate cover. The officials said they did ...

Saing Soenthrith and Zsombor Peter

Landmines kill 10 Cambodians, injure 61 in 4 months

Cambodia on Friday reported 71 landmine casualties in the first four months of 2014, an increase of 61 percent from 44 casualties for the same period last year. The report by the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority showed that during the January-April period, 10 ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

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