
Launching ceremony of the National Secretariat of Cambodia for Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (NSC-MLC)

On 10 October 2017, H.E. Prak Sokhonn, Senior Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, will preside over the launching ceremony of the National Secretariat of Cambodia for Mekong-Lancang Cooperation (NSC-MLC), at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International ...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Setting minimum wages for workers in textiles, garments and footwear for 2018

On the afternoon of 05 October 2017, the Labor Advisory Committee had conducted the 17th Meeting, at the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, to continue reviewing and discussing on the results of the tripartite technical working groups and discuss setting a minimum wage for ...

Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training

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Signing on the Exchange of Notes and Record of Discussions on the extension of Grant Aid for the purpose of implementation of the Project for Urgent Replacement of Bridges in Flood-Prone Areas

On​ 03​ October​ 2017,​ at​ the​ Ministry​ of​ Foreign​ Affairs​ and​ International​ Cooperation,​ His​ Excellency​ Prak​ Sokhonn,​ Senior​ Minister,​ Minister​ of​ Foreign​ Affairs​ and​ International​ Cooperation​ of​ the​ Kingdom​ of​ Cambodia,​ and​ His​ Excellency​ HORINOUCHI​ Hidehisa,​ Ambassador​ of​ Japan​ to​ Cambodia,​ will​ sign​ the​ Exchange​ ...

Ministry​ of​ Foreign​ Affairs​ and​ International​ Cooperation

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Notification on the request for the copies of all civil status documents

On 28 September 2017, the General Department of Identification of the Ministry of Interior informed the citizens, especially students, business owners, and workers who migrated from provinces to study and work in the capital may request the registrar, copies all kinds of identity at the ...

General Department of Identification

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Japan provides US$1,561,805 for​​ construction of bridges for rural development, promotion of sustainable agricultural conditions for poverty reduction, and promotion of community development through mine clearance

The Government of Japan has agreed to provide US$242,367 to Mondulkiri Provincial Department of Rural Development for “The Project for Constructing Bridges in two Communes in Kaoh Nheaek District, Mondulkiri Province” under the framework of the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (“KUSANONE” Grant), ...

Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia

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Request all transport companies to instruct their drivers not to use drugs and to stick anti-drug stickers on their trucks

On 29 September 2017, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport asked all transport companies to instruct their drivers not to use drugs such as marijuana, morphine, heroin, cocaine or crystal meth and to stick anti-drug stickers on their trucks as part of a ministry campaign to ...

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

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Outcomes of the general debate during 72nd session of the United Nations general assembly and other Meetings from 19-25 September 2017, New York, USA

H.E.​ Senior​ Minister​ Prak​ Sokhonn,​ Minister​ of​ Foreign​ Affairs​ and​ International​ Cooperation​ of​ the​ Kingdom​ of​ Cambodia​ led​ a​ Cambodian​ delegation​ to​ attend​ the​ General​ Debate​ of​ 72nd​ Session​ of​ the​ United​ Nation​ General​ Assembly,​ under​ the​ theme:​ “Focusing​ on​ people:​ striving​ for​ peace​ and​ ...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Notification on how to authenticate vehicle identification card, driving license, certificate and technical inspection of vehicles and number plates with QR CODE

On 25 September 2017, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport issued a notification on how to authenticate vehicle identification card, driving license, certificate and technical inspection of vehicles and number plates with QR CODE to make it more convenient to verify and prevent fraud ...

Ministry of Public Works and Transport

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Notification on the reimbursement of the price of clean water

On 12 September 2017, the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) adjusted the calculation to the previous formula and is reimbursing the repayment to the customer in two options as follows:Option 1: Customers can come and receive the cash directly at any of PPWSA’s counter during ...

Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority

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Press release on the preparation of state land titles for two protected areas

On 4 September 2017, the Ministry of Environment issued a press release  on the collaborates between Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction to prepare state land titles for two protected areas including “Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary” in Koh Kong ...

Ministry of Environment

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Notification on the campaign of loving riel banknotes

On 31 August 2017, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a notification to the public, which contributed to the celebration of the Khmer traditional Phcum Ben festival. The National Bank of Cambodia will provide an opportunity to the public with old, crumble or torn banknotes ...

National Bank of Cambodia

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Decision on the adjustment and supplementation of the price of selling water produced and supplied by Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority

On 29 August 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts issued a decision on the adjustment and supplementation of the price of water produced and supplied by Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority for sale to landlord or owner of a building with rented rooms for ...

Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts

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Notification on the adjustment of the price of clean water produced and supplied by Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority

On 28 August 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts issued a notification on the adjustment of the price of clean water produced and supplied by Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority No. 149 MIH / 2017 issued on 15 May 2017, by adding usage level from ...

Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts

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Notification on the establishment of the customer protection working group and the establishment of a telephone system for the public

On 22 August 2017, the Cambodian Microfinance Association issued a statement confirming the establishment of the consumer protection working group, declaring five hotlines for the public who have questions or problems with the use of the association’s financial services. The five hotline numbers are: 069 77777 ...

Cambodian Microfinance Association

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Press Release on the Official Signing Ceremony of the Petroleum Agreement for Offshore Oil Field Development in Block A

On 23 August 2017, the official signing ceremony of the Petroleum Agreement for Offshore Oil Field Development in Block A, Cambodia, was held between the Royal Government of Cambodia represented by H.E. ACADEMICIAN AUN PORNMONIROTH, Senior Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance and H.E. SUY ...

Ministry of Mines and Energy

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Press Release on the halt of the operation of the National Democratic Institute

On 23 August 2017, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued a press release to stop the operation of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Cambodia and to expel its foreign staff from the Kingdom within seven days after the official notification of ...

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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Press release on the clarification of a case of exporting white sand (Silica) to abroad

On 22 August 2017, Ministry of Mines and Energy issued a press release on the clarification of a case of exporting white sand (Silica) to abroad. The Ministry of Mines and Energy has never issued any legal regulation on the ban on white sand exports. Currently, the Ministry ...

Ministry of Mines and Energy

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Letter of the Ministry of Information on alcohol advertising

On 21 August 2017, the Ministry of Information issued a letter laying out recommendations to owners of radio and television stations and other media outlets as follows:Alcohol-associated reward advertising is allowed only in the period of 15 days before and after Khmer New Year, Chinese ...

Ministry of Information

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Letter of the Ministry of Information on health- and agriculture-related product advertising

On 21 August 2017, in order to avoid any misconduct and infringement of the law, the Ministry of Information issued a final letter of recommendations to owners of radio stations, television stations, newspapers, magazines and newsletters as follows:All health-related product advertisements shall be authorized by ...

Ministry of Information

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Notification on the 2 years free city bus rides to all workers and new bus routes

On 20 August 2017, the Phnom Penh Capital Hall issued a formal notification to allow all workers to take free city bus rides in Phnom Penh for 2 years starting from 20 August 2017 to 20 August 2019, by just showing their labour cards.At the ...

Phnom Penh Capital Hall

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Press release on the strengthening customer protection of the National Bank of Cambodia

On 18 August 2017, the National Bank of Cambodia issued a press release to strengthen customer protection as follows:Fines 400 million Riel (US $ 100,000) to microfinance institutions (MFIs) that do not comply with the laws and regulations, especially the Prakas on transparency in the ...

National Bank of Cambodia

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Press Release: The rate of forest cover loss in Cambodia has declined

On 17 August 2017, the Ministry of Environment released a statement, showing the preliminary result of forest cover evaluation in Cambodia for 2016 which indicates the drop of annual average loss of forest cover from 2.7 percent a year between 2010 and 2014 to 0.82 ...

Ministry of Environment

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Notification on the expansion of mineral concession areas for applications for metal exploration licenses

On August 3, 2017, the Ministry of Mines and Energy issued a notice to local and foreign mining companies about the expansion of two mining concessions:1. The area of Svay Chreah commune and Khsuem commune, Snoul district, Kratie province, which covers 30,60 square kilometers2. The ...

Ministry of Mines and Energy

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Guideline on traffic management and street order in Phnom Penh

On 08 August 2017, the Phnom Penh Capital Hall issued a guideline for managing public order on the streets as a key factor to deal with traffic issues, promote national honors, and reduce street anarchism. The Capital Hall decided to select 11 main roads as a model priority ...

Phnom Penh Capital Hall

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