Business World Online

Vietnam export prices rise for rice sought by PHL

Vietnam, the world’s third largest rice exporter after India and Thailand, has raised by 3% the export price floor for the 25% broken rice to $350 a ton as it prepares for a tender in the Philippines, traders said. ...

Business World Online News Staff

Vietnam, Thailand tapped to supply rice

Neighbors Vietnam and Thailand have bagged contracts to supply a total of 500,000 metric tons (MT) of rice to boost the Philippines’ buffer stock in time for this year’s lean months, an official from the National Food Authority (NFA) said yesterday. Existing bilateral rice agreements ...

Claire-Ann Marie C. Feliciano

Thais hit Cambodia casinos to sidestep junta betting blitz

Desperate for a flutter during a junta crackdown on gambling at home, Thais are making a beeline for casinos in a seedy Cambodian border town — which has already been deluged by migrants also fleeing the kingdom. For over a decade Poipet, a scruffy, vice-ridden frontier ...

Business World Online News Staff

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