Carbon credits a tough sell
Despite one success story emerging in the trade of Cambodia-generated carbon credits, immediate prospects for the environmental trading scheme in Kingdom remain few. Securing buyers of carbon credits for Cambodian projects is a well-known difficulty. Pact, however, left the project in July 2013 when the ...
Eddie Morton
Carbon Credits Ready for Sale in Oddar Meanchey Forest
Cambodia’s first verified carbon credit program is up and running in the remote province of Oddar Meanchey. But experts say there are limited carbon credit buyers, and illegal deforestation remains a major threat to the stability to the project. ...
Khoun Theara
Cambodia Expects To Gain Carbon Credit For Forest Community Development
Cambodia expects to gain money from carbon credit next year and it will take their money to develop forest community to support sustainable development, officials said this week. An environmental officials said: Cambodia will likely get money from carbon credit through selling carbon credit to foreign ...