Investment Or Imperialism? Tracking China's Big Ambitions In Cambodia
- 8 February 2013
- Worldcrunch
- Clothes / Economy and commerce / Energy / Extractive Industries / Extractive industries policy and administration / Garments and textiles / Generation and distribution facilities / Hydropower dams / Industrial mining / Industries / Investment / Manufacturing / Marine and coastal areas / Mining / Renewable energy production / Tourism / Trade / Water resources
- Asian countries / Asian country / Beijing / Cambodia / Chinese aid / Chinese coastal region / Chinese companies / Chinese company / Chinese fabrics / Chinese groups / Chinese soldiers / construction / Council for the Development of Cambodia / Dams / Development / education sector / Electricity / energy sectors / environment / environmental protection measures / European company / Europeans / export quotas / farming / Franco-Cambodian Chamber of Commerce / Healthcare / Human Rights / hydroelectric dams / infrastructures / Investment / Investors / Iron / Japanese aid / Laos / legal framework / logging / mines / mining / natural resources / Paris / Phnom / Phnom Penh Securities / Phnom Penh Stock Exchange / railroad tracks / roads / sewing machines / sexual equality / South Korean aid / steel / Sunkind Textile / textile industry / workers
A few years ago this scene would have played out in China. More specifically, it would have played out in a Chinese coastal region to which millions of rural folks had arrived looking for work. A huge hangar, piles of fabrics of all colors at both ...
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