Bilateral development assistance
Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members
Cambodia discusses plans to localize the global Sendai Gender Action Plan
Representatives from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, National Committee for Disaster Management, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, and UN Women at a multi-stakeholder dialogue on gender action plans for disaster risk reduction. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Japan pledges to continue assistance to Cambodia
Heng Sour, Minister of Labour and Vocational Training of Cambodia met Miyazaki Masahisa, Minister of Labour and Welfare of the Kingdom of Japan in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday to discuss means to further strengthen the bilateral in the field of labour. ...
Jigmee Palden Pazo
EU Ambassador sees NA and the EP forging stronger ties
Igor Driesmans, Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to Cambodia, in a meeting with National Assembly (NA) President Khuon Sudary, expressed his firm belief for enhanced cooperation between the NA and the European Parliament (EP). ...
Hang Punreay
Australia supports Cambodia to achieve clean water goal
Australia is supporting the Royal Government of Cambodia to meet her goal on clean water access by 2030, reaffirmed the Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh in a news release. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry seeks more US help to manage natural disasters
Thor Chetha, Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology, is seeking further assistance from the US Embassy in Cambodia to manage natural disasters, as well as greater technical assistance for ministry officials. ...
Nop Sreymao
EU launches 4 new programs worth $85.6 mln in Cambodia
The European Union on Tuesday launched four new programs worth $85.6 million in total in Cambodia, with a focus on promoting sustainable value chains, energy efficiency and renewable energy, said a joint press release. ...
Khmer Times Staff
EU envoy vows to help Cambodia achieve universal health coverage
The European Union (EU) has affirmed its support for Cambodia to achieve its global health coverage plan in line with the Pentagonal Strategy of the new government. ...
Hang Punreay
Cambodia and South Korea sign 3-year plan for Angkor Wat restoration
The Apsara National Authority (ANA) of Cambodia and the Korean Cultural Heritage Administration signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) titled “Cooperation for the Cultural Heritage Sector” on Monday in Seoul, South Korea. ...
Torn Vibol
Gov’t peruses documents for receiving Japanese aid
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) held talks with a delegation from the Embassy of Japan (EoJ) aimed at exchanging views and methods to accelerate banking document procedures in receiving Japanese grant aid for development projects in the Kingdom. ...
Nhean Chamrong
CDC, KOICA hold first bilateral meeting in 2024 on development cooperation in Cambodia
The Cambodia Development Cooperation Board of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDCB/CDC) and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) held here at the CDC’s headquarters on Jan. 25 their “first bilateral meeting in 2024” to boost development cooperation and partnership between the two ...
Khmer Times Staff
Four African nations seek demining training from CMAC
Four African countries, South Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Somalia, have asked the Cambodian government, through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), for the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) to help train deminers in each country. ...
Hang Punreay
Agreement to promote non-deforested cashew value chain in Mondulkiri
USAID Morodok Baitang and Olam Outspan (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. have reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the promotion of non-deforested value chains in KeoSeima district, Mondulkiri province. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Japan to help Kingdom achieve sustainable development goals
The Embassy of Japan in Cambodia (EoJ), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) are examining possibilities of supporting various sectors including enhancing the development of the education system, technology, human resources development, navigation skills, modernisation curriculum and ...
Nheng Chamrong
USAID helps improve Cambodian cashew value chain
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is partnering with the Cambodia Cashew Federation to improve Cambodian cashew value chain through the Cashew Export Development Programme. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodia, Germany to boost parliamentary cooperation
Cambodia and the Federal Republic of Germany have vowed to boost bilateral cooperation between the two countries’ parliaments. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Tetra Tech to support conservation in Cambodia under USAID contract
Tetra Tech has secured a contract from the U.S. Agency for International Development to support conservation efforts in Cambodia. ...
Khmer Times Staff
PM says Japan reviewing proposal for bridge connecting PP and Kandal
Prime Minister Hun Manet has said that Japanese government is examining the possibility of helping the government to build a bridge across the Mekong River, connecting Phnom Penh City and Kandal province. ...
Hang Punreay
EU offers $7m grant to elevate fisheries sector
The European Union (EU) has announced plans to pump almost $7 million to support Cambodia in reforming its fisheries sector. ...
Mao Sreypich
EU provides funds for Cambodian government to support reform of fisheries sector
The European Union (EU) has pledged to provide EUR 6.375 million (around $7 million) grants to Cambodia to support reforms of its fisheries sector. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Capacity building program launched to enhance fisheries conservation in Cambodia
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has partnered with the European Union (EU) to implement a capacity building program aimed at enhancing the management of fisheries in Cambodia. ...
Khmer Times Staff
USAID announces new project for enhancing quality of healthcare across Cambodia
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announces the award of its new, five-year Enhancing Quality of Healthcare Activity II (EQHA II) to continue supporting efforts to improve the quality of public and private health services for all Cambodians. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Australia helps strengthen laboratory capacity for infectious diseases in Cambodia
Australia has supported the IndoPacLab program across Cambodia, Laos, and Papua New Guinea (PNG) to strengthen laboratory capacity for HIV, TB, malaria, and COVID-19 testing, said the Australian Embassy in Cambodia in a news release Friday. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Korea University Anam Hospital wins KOICA bid to upgrade the National Pediatric Hospital Cambodia
Korea University Medical Center (KUMC) said that Korea University Anam Hospital (KUAH) has successfully secured the project for enhancing the internal medicine department at the National Pediatric Hospital Cambodia project, sponsored by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). ...
Khmer Times Staff
US senators submit bill on funding landmine clearance in Indochina
Members of the US Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Tammy Baldwin of the Democratic Party from Wisconsin state, and Senator Jerry Moran of the Republican Party from Kansas state, have submitted a bipartisan bill that allocates funding for clearing landmines and other unexploded ordnances left over ...
Khmer Times Staff