Aid and development

Multilateral development assistance

School feeding programme in Cambodia celebrated

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the United States Embassy, and Cambodia’s Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) celebrated the handover of the school feeding programme in 85 additional schools from WFP to the Cambodian Government. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodian woman peacekeeper awarded with UN medal

Cambodian woman peacekeeper Lieutenant Colonel Chea Maysaros was awarded the UN medal for fulfilling her United Nations demining mission in Lebanon. ...

Nang Veasna and Chhun Sunly

World Bank approves funds for healthcare project

The World Bank has approved $113 million in new financing to improve access to quality healthcare in Cambodia focusing on poor and vulnerable people and supporting effective responses to health crises. ...

Long Kimmarita

Cambodia gets $113 million World Bank healthcare financing

The World Bank approved $113 million in new financing to improve access to quality health care in Cambodia. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Japan funds environmental awareness, child protection programmes

The Japanese government has provided more than $800,000 in funding to two Japanese NGOs, under its grant assistance framework. The NGOs are engaged in raising awareness of environment issues and eliminating violence against children in schools. ...

Ry Sochan

CMAC secures US support for operations through 2025

The US, through the Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), on March 9 signed a cooperative agreement to provide $6,355,720 in grants for the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) to support the clearance of cluster munitions-affected areas for 45 months from March until November 2025. ...

Voun Dara

ADB approves 95 million loan to Cambodia for COVID-19 vaccine purchase

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved $95 million in loan for the Cambodian government to purchase COVID-19 vaccines from 2022 to 2023, it said in a press statement on Tuesday. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodia sends 12th batch of peacekeepers to Lebanon

Cambodia dispatched the 12th batch of 184 peacekeepers, including 29 women, to join a United Nations peacekeeping mission in Lebanon on Wednesday. ...

Khmer Times Staff

ADB provides $6.8 million to boost tourism sector and rice production in Cambodia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved tow grants worth $6.8 million to assist in the recovery of Cambodia and strengthen the rice supply chain in the country which, like other sectors, was also affected by the Covid-19. ...

Khmer Times Staff

World Bank gives key recommendations for Cambodia’s economic recovery

The blow to Cambodia’s economy from the COVID-19 pandemic was among the most pronounced in East Asia, but the country can regain sustained economic growth by increasing productivity among firms and workers, diversifying exports, and taking steps to boost domestic investment, the World Bank says ...

Khmer Times Staff

WB, IDA approve $69.25M to help Cambodia improve access to education

The World Bank and International Development Association yesterday approved US $69.25 million to help Cambodia improve equitable access to basic education and respond rapidly to crises affecting the education system. ...

Ashok Patnaik

World Bank financing will strengthen learning, access to education in Cambodia

The World Bank has approved financing, along with a grant from the Global Partnership for Education, will provide $69.25 million in new funding to help Cambodia improve equitable access to basic education and respond rapidly to crises affecting the education system. ...

Khmer Times Staff

US funds Preah Vihear stair repairs

The US government has announced an additional grant of over $80,000 for the third phase of the restoration of the northern staircase at Preah Vihear temple in order to help preserve the ancient structure, which is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.​ ...

Lay Samean

Minister: Half of villages lack clean water access

About 50 per cent of villages across Cambodia still lack access to clean water due to factors like climate change, population growth and urban development, which have led to a steady increase in water demands, according to Minister of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation Cham ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

ADB, UNIDO to hold Virtual Discussion on Boosting Cambodia’s 4IR Transformation

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) will organise a virtual discussion on the status of Cambodia’s fourth industrial revolution (4IR) and pathways for the country’s transformation to this new industrial model by 2030. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Six landfills set to open in 2022

The government is collaborating with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank as well as other development partners to create standardised landfills in some provinces in 2022, with the first being Preah Sihanouk province’s landfill which was opened in November. ...

Voun Dara

ADB provides $180 million in loan for urban services in Cambodia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $180 million loan to help three cities in Cambodia improve urban infrastructure and boost economic competitiveness. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Public works ministry, World Bank talk infrastructure, EVs

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport has asked the World Bank to continue strengthening bilateral cooperation and close partnership through technical assistance to improve the capacity of officials and help in developing and improving Cambodia’s infrastructure sector. ...

Lay Samean

Ministry trains 700 educators weekly to boost online learning

Since the end of September, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has trained 3,292 teachers from secondary resource schools and network schools on how to manage distance learning to run online classes in a high-quality and efficient manner. ...

Post Staff

ADB okays $40M loan for finance

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), in an effort to support the government, has approved a $40 million policy-based loan to expand access to credit among micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) and implement reforms to boost financial stability and upgrade financial sector infrastructure amid the ...

May Kunmakara

ADB approves $40 million to help small companies get loans

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $40 million loan to help Cambodia’s micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) get easier access to credit. The money will also support government efforts to bring in reforms to boost financial stability and upgrade the financial sector ...

Michael Firn

Cambodia observes World Food Day 2021

Cambodia on October 16 joined other countries to observe World Food Day (WFD), held globally this year under the theme “Our actions are our future. Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life”. ...

Mom Kunthear and Orm Bunthoeurn

Cambodia Asks ADB to Continue Supporting TVET

Cambodia has asked the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to continue its support to further boost the country’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). ...

Khmer Times Staff

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