Aid and development
COVAX provides refrigeration equipment to Cambodia
The COVAX Facility donated advanced refrigeration equipment to the Royal Government to boost the country’s vaccination storage capacity. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Swiss agency provides $1 million to promote tourism in Cambodia
The Tourism Development Planning Department announced yesterday that Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, through the Enterprise Development Program of United Nation (UNIDO), has provided approximately $1 million for the implementation of Agri-food production and tourism programmes in Cambodia. ...
Sen David
EU-funded projects to support fishing communities in Tonle Sap and coastal provinces launched
The EU Delegation to Cambodia and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), formally launched on Oct. 27 four EU-funded projects to support green growth, job creation, social services, and better protection of natural resources for the fishing communities in 10 Tonle Sap Biosphere ...
Khmer Times Staff
Covax delivers 124,800 more doses of Sinovac
On Saturday Cambodia received 124,800 doses of the Sinovac vaccine. So far, Cambodia has received a total of 2.5 million doses of the planned 6.6 million doses from The COVAX Facility. ...
Tith Kongnov
JICA provides concessional loan for Siem Reap water supply expansion project
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has decided to provide approximately $58 million in concessional loan to the Royal Government of Cambodia for a project to expand water supply capacity in Siem Reap province. ...
Khmer Times Staff
ADB okays $40M loan for finance
The Asian Development Bank (ADB), in an effort to support the government, has approved a $40 million policy-based loan to expand access to credit among micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) and implement reforms to boost financial stability and upgrade financial sector infrastructure amid the ...
May Kunmakara
ADB approves $40 million to help small companies get loans
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $40 million loan to help Cambodia’s micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) get easier access to credit. The money will also support government efforts to bring in reforms to boost financial stability and upgrade the financial sector ...
Michael Firn
Cambodia observes World Food Day 2021
Cambodia on October 16 joined other countries to observe World Food Day (WFD), held globally this year under the theme “Our actions are our future. Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life”. ...
Mom Kunthear and Orm Bunthoeurn
Central bank calls on IMF to support ASEAN’s recovery
The governor of the National Bank of Cambodia has called on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to continue supporting ASEAN economies, especially as they recover from the Coronavirus pandemic. ...
Michael Firn
Russian Embassy helps out Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital
The Russian Embassy on Friday gave humanitarian aid to the Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital together with Russian BioBuilding Co and Cambodian companies eBiodis, Leisure Asia Corporation, SGU Import Export Co Ltd and Cambodia-Russian Trade House. ...
Mao Chanvireak
Government asks Australia for financial support for ECCC
Minister of the council of Ministers Bin Chhin has requested that Australia provide funding to the national side of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC). ...
Yin Soeum
Cambodia Asks ADB to Continue Supporting TVET
Cambodia has asked the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to continue its support to further boost the country’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). ...
Khmer Times Staff
Development financing to double by 2025, UNDP says
The amount of financing available to support Cambodia’s development is expected to double to $23.4 billion by 2025, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It said the available funds would account for nearly 70 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). ...
Michael Firn
EU pledges more than $17 million towards rural infrastructure development
The European Union (EU) is committing to handover to the Royal Government through the Europe Investment Bank (EIB) a grant of more than $17 million for the country’s rural infrastructure development. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry of Agriculture requests continued assistance from ADB
The Cambodian Minister of Agriculture expressed gratitude and requested the continued aid from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in a call with ADB’S Country Director for Cambodia. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Japan, Cambodia ink deal for socio-economic development
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Prak Sokhonn and Japanese ambassador to Cambodia Masahiro Mikami signed an “exchange of notes” and other documents related to the provision of Japanese grant aid and loans worth approximately $72 million to implement six projects. ...
Ry Sochan
Free project tools platform for NGOs
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced a lot of changes to people’s lifestyles and whether they are working, studying, celebrating or just talking. One of the biggest changes for everyone has been the increase in virtual gatherings via video conferencing services in place of holding in-person ...
Roth Sochieata
Japan aids Kingdom with grant aid and loans totalling $72 million
The Japanese government has decided to extend a loan and grant aid projects to the Kingdom totalling about $72 million to contribute to socio-economic development, including $1.8 million for the landmine action sector. ...
ADB okays $30M loan, grant for Cambodia's healthcare system Ry Sochan | Publication date 08 October 2021 | 13:49 ICT Share
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved $30 million in loan and grant to help strengthen Cambodia’s healthcare system amid the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
Ry Sochan
Japan to extend almost $73 million to support various projects in Cambodia
The Government of Japan will provide up to nearly $73 million in loan and grant aid to Cambodia to support various development projects, pointed out a press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) made public this morning. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Japan gives $72M for water supply expansion, socio-economic development
The Japanese government will extend loan and grant totaling $72.72 million for an ongoing water supply expansion project and the implementation of socio-economic development programmes in Cambodia, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. ...
Mom Kunthear
$30 million ADB financing to support Cambodia’s COVID-19 response
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved $30 million in financing to help strengthen Cambodia’s health system amid a surge in new infections and sustained community transmission of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), said ADB in a press release. ...
Khmer Times Staff
ADB lends $ 82 million to improve national roads in two provinces to boost economic development
Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $ 82 million loan to improve 48 km of national and provincial roads in Prey Veng and Kandal provinces to promote economic development through the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Corridor. ...
Ry Sochan
US help sought to develop, improve road infrastructure
Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol has sought the help of United States Ambassador Patrick Murphy to help build reliable roads in Cambodia by providing adequate tools and materials. ...
Tin Sokhavuth