Environment and natural resources
Climate change
Government’s effort in climate change mitigation
The Royal Government of Cambodia is working hard to prevent and mitigate climate change, especially through the promotion of lower carbon emissions. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Singaporean companies look to tap into Cambodia’s carbon market
The Cambodian Minister of Environment, Dr. Eang Sophalleth, recently held a bilateral meeting with representatives of Singaporean companies, where he presented the opening of a new chapter in carbon trade in Cambodia, specifically under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Water Resources minister calls for ‘Closer Monitoring and Stronger Action’ as Mekong water flows change
Water Resources and Meteorology Minister Thor Chetha has called for greater collective efforts to mitigate the impacts of flood and drought amid changing hydrological conditions on the Mekong River. ...
Khmer Times Staff
World Bank says floods pose significant risk to education and healthcare in Cambodia
Seasonal flooding is the most common and frequent disaster in Cambodia. Major flooding events occur every five years and can be particularly devastating. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Clean energy key to mitigating climate change
“Clean energy is a really important part of efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change,” said Australian Ambassador to Cambodia, Justin Whyatt. “It’s a significant part of the puzzle responding to climate change.” ...
Bun Tharum
Cambodia launches strategic plans to combat climate crisis
Cambodia is actively addressing the pressing issue of climate change through the implementation of strategic plans and highly committed activities. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Circular environmental strategy set for launch
With the forthcoming launch of the Circular Environmental Strategy 2023-28, Cambodia demonstrates its dedication to addressing the climate change crisis. The government aspires to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, in response to the climate challenges affecting the country and the world. ...
Post Staff
Project to enhance the climate change resilience of smallholder farmers kicks off in Cambodia
A new project aimed at enhancing the climate change resilience of smallholder farmers and local communities by increasing their access to growing premium market segments was launched in Cambodia on 27 October 2023. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Summit tackles climate change-related issues
Hundreds of stakeholders gathered in Siem Reap for the Cambodia Climate Change Summit 2023 (CCCS), with officials announcing the imminent launch of a new environmental strategy to address climate change-related challenges. ...
Kiripost staff writers
World Bank report explores path to climate-resilient economy
The World Bank has launched the Cambodia Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR), which provides critical insights into the Kingdom’s response to climate change and its impact on development goals. ...
Seng Mengheng
FAO launch PEARL agriculture initiative
The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has announced a partnership with Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Environment to launch the Public-Social-Private Partnerships for Ecologically-Sound Agriculture and Resilient Livelihood in Northern Tonle Sap Basin (PEARL). ...
Post Staff
Climate change driving rise in natural disasters: NCDM
Over 100 people have been killed, 250 injured and 10,000 homes damaged by strong winds, lightning and fires across Cambodia in the first nine months of the year, according to a report from the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM). ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
UNICEF Cambodia and the Ministry of Rural Development join forces to improve rural sanitation and health
In a joint effort to address critical challenges faced by rural communities in Cambodia, UNICEF Cambodia and the Ministry of Rural Development have pledged to work together to combat climate change, improve rural sanitation, and enhance health services. ...
Khmer Times Staff
MRC advances fund for climate-hit residents
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) took an important step towards creating a fund to aid residents most affected by climate change, combined with water infrastructure development, at the 56th meeting of the MRC joint committee in the Laotian capital Vientiane, on September 27. ...
Ry Sochan
Ministry urges media to publicise climate change awareness
The Ministry of Environment has urged the media to publicise knowledge about climate change. ...
Torn Vibol
Ministry issues water conservation warning
The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has urged farmers in rural and remote areas to use water cautiously as this year’s rainy season is expected to end earlier and bring less rainfall. ...
Chea Sokny
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam face $65 billion apparel export hit from extreme weather
Extreme heat and flooding could erase $65 billion in apparel export earnings from four Asian countries by 2030, as workers struggle under high temperatures and factories close, research from Schroders and Cornell University showed on Wednesday. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Climate change a threat to development: NCDM
Officials have called for climate change-related issues to be taken into account in all future development planning, noting that Cambodia remains vulnerable to an increase in natural disasters caused by climate change. ...
Long Kimmarita
MoE liaise with media on climate change dissemination
The Ministry of Environment has established a liaison between media professionals and journalists to promote the dissemination of knowledge on climate change to local people so that they are prepared. ...
Torn Vibol
China and UNICEF forge climate-resilient project
Delegates from China, UNICEF Cambodia and UNICEF China have commenced a three-day field visit to the country to assess the feasibility of implementing climate-resilient water and sanitation (WASH) technologies as part of the South-South Cooperation Programme. ...
Ry Sochan
Cambodia has a high likelihood of experiencing hotter conditions but receiving above-normal rainfall
The El Niño, La Niña, and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Forecast indicates that the El Niño event developing remains high until early 2024, typically causing warmer conditions in the region. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Drought conditions expected across the country
Cambodia may face drought conditions across the country due to below-average annual rainfall caused by El Nino. ...
Tith Kongnov
Cambodia commits to carbon neutral goal at ASEAN meet
Cambodia is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a carbon-neutral economy, emphasising its National Research Agenda 2025 to identify “Carbon Neutrality” as a crucial research mission. ...
Ben Sokhean
Heatwave hits seaweed growers
Kampot’s seaweed growers have been hit by a price drop of 1,000 riels per kilogram after the extreme heat of April devastated their harvest ...
Meas Molika