Environment ministry signs MoU with Kew Gardens on orchid study

The Ministry of Environment has signed two memoranda of understanding (MoU) – one with the UK’s prestigious Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, and the other with development partners – to conserve biodiversity and research wild orchids in Cambodia. ...

Lay Samean

Environment Day celebrations feature 600km cycling tour

Members of civil society organisations and youth groups are celebrating World Environment Day by organising two cycling events which will last for a total of 25 days, according to a joint press statement. ...

Voun Dara

Rangers evict Oral sanctuary kiln operators

An environmental activist said more than 20 illegal brick kilns and huts had been demolished by rangers in the Oral Wildlife Sanctuary after their owners failed to follow instructions to cease their activities because they were depleting national forest resources. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Ministry to celebrate Kingdom’s plant diversity with National Orchid Day

The Ministry of Environment will organise the second National Orchid Day on May 11 to publicise the many kinds of orchids that grow in Cambodia, especially the Kingdom’s wild orchid species. ...

Post Staff

USAID-KOICA partnership to strengthen next generation of zoonotic disease experts in Cambodia

Cambodia’s next generation of experts on diseases that cross from animals to humans have received a boost thanks to a partnership between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). ...

Khmer Times Staff

Female Indochinese leopard detected in Mondulkiri

The wildlife research team of the Mondulkiri Provincial Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment, and WWF this week revealed a rare photograph of a female Indochinese leopard from their camera trap surveys, conducted in the forest of Cambodia’s eastern plains. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Environment ministry shares five-point plan for carbon neutrality

A senior Ministry of Environment official spoke about its five-point recommendation for the successful implementation of the Long-term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality (LTS4CN) as a long-term vision, in response to global climate change and as a move towards zero emissions in Cambodia by 2050. ...

Voun Dara

M’kiri governor proposes wildlife sanctuary breeding areas, zoo

Mondulkiri provincial governor has instructed officials to rehabilitate at least 100 hectares of forest to increase wildlife numbers and establish a zoo to attract tourists. ...

Tith Kongnov

K Chhnang plants over 200,000 saplings at Tonle Sap Lake’s Zone 3

The Ministry of Environment – in cooperation with the Kampong Chhnang Provincial Administration – planted 24,000 mixed trees to rehabilitate the flooded forests of Zone 3 of the Tonle Sap Lake area. The April 25 planting took place in Thnal Chheuteal village of Kampong Leng ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Baby Irrawaddy dolphin found dead in Anlong Kampi conservation area

A female Irrawaddy baby dolphin was found dead by the river guards of the Anlong Kampi Irrawaddy dolphin conservation area on April 24 in Sambok commune of Kratie province’s Chitr Borei district. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Mondulkiri plans wildlife breeding station, zoo

Mondulkiri provincial governor Thong Savon has advised environmental officials at the Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary to look for a suitable location to establish a wildlife breeding station and possibly establish a zoo in tandem with it to draw tourists, according to provincial administration spokesman Cheak Mengheang. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

NGOs, gov’t set up working group to protect ibis

A group of NGOs and the Ministry of Environment have joined forces and created the Cambodia Ibis Working Group to protect and conserve this waterbird species as the country is one of the last places the bird can be found in the world. ...

Son Minea

Wealth of wildlife and plants discovered in Mondulkiri, says MoE

Researchers are celebrating the discovery of a large number of wildlife and rare plant species, as well as waterfalls in the Phnom Nam Lear Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Rare crocodiles released into wild in Cambodia raises hope for reptile conservation

The largest ever release of critically endangered Siamese crocodiles into Cambodia’s wild last month has raised hope for the long-term reptile conservation and survival, conservationists said on Wednesday. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Zero snares at trapeang plan underway

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) Greening Prey Lang project is spearheading an effort to safeguard more than 100 high-risk trapeangs, or waterholes, in the Preah Roka, Kulen Promtep and Chhaeb wildlife sanctuaries and in Phnom Tbaeng National Heritage Park. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Over 300 birds dead in early March heatwave

More than 300 birds have died at the Tuol Porn Taley Boeung Sne conservation area in Prey Veng province since early March as a result of the hot weather, an area official has said, noting that conservation community members have been burying them to prevent ...

Lay Samean

Government urged to protect elephants and their habitats

Elephant conservationists in Mondulkiri province have appealed to the government to protect elephants and preserve forests. The call comes amid growing concern over the killing of elephants for their tusks and other parts. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Mondulkiri wild honey inaugurated with GI status

‘Mondulkiri wild honey” has been officially inaugurated with geographical indication (GI) status that ministers and officials hope will accordingly increase its value, thereby creating local jobs and improving livelihoods.   ...

Hom Phanet

More that 800 forest crimes, land grabs and illegal wildlife hunting reported last year

There were 811 cases of forest crimes, land grabs, and illegal hunting of wildlife reported last year, and of the number 320 involved in forest crimes were fined while another 491 were taken to court. ...

Son Minea

SR wild orchid hunt turns up abundance of species

Forestry Administration officials are continuing to search for wild orchids in Siem Reap province after finding 180 species last week while working in the area of the Changkarn Roi Forest Community in Varin district. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Herd of eight elephants spotted in Sre Pok Wildlife Sanctuary

A herd of eight elephants were spotted by conservationists from the Mondulkiri Provincial Department of Environment and WWF researchers yesterday in Sre Pok Wildlife Sanctuary. ...

Son Minea

Elephant herd with babies found in M’kiri sanctuary

The Ministry of Environment expects the number of Asian elephants in Cambodia to increase after park rangers in Mondulkiri province and researchers from World Wildlife Fund for Nature Cambodia (WWF Cambodia) spotted a herd of the animals in Sre Pok Wildlife Sanctuary on March 16. ...

Voun Dara

Green Prey Lang honey producers clinch awards

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) Green Prey Lang project provided support to the Non-Timber Forest Products-Exchange Programme Cambodia to enable the NGO to provide certificates and financial awards to three community based-enterprises in Stung Treng, Kratie and Preah Vihear provinces. ...

Post Staff

NGO funds new programmes for forest communities

In late February, Naturelife Cambodia provided micro-funding to four communities in the Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary in support of the effective management of natural resources and to promote community participation in the protection of the sanctuary. ...

Voun Dara

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