Ministries and other national bodies
Ministry of Health
Health Ministry taking measures to counter Zika
The Ministry of Health is taking precautionary measures to prevent the transmission of Zika and is asking the public to do the same, as the virus has emerged in other Southeast Asian countries and could make a comeback in the Kingdom. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Ministry urges caution, calm over Zika
After reports of 24 more cases of the Zika virus in Singapore, bringing the total to 115 so far, the Ministry of Health has warned Cambodians traveling outside the country – especially pregnant women – to take extra safety precautions and avoid being bitten by ...
Taing Vida
Ministry screening Rio athletes for Zika virus
Cambodian athletes are being screened for Zika after returning from the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, and health officials will monitor their health for two weeks in order to minimise any possible transmission, an official with the Ministry of Health said yesterday. ...
Yesenia Amaro
As surrogacy trade grows, government charts course
The government will meet this month to begin addressing concerns that the lack of regulation for the surrogacy trade could lead to a proliferation of brokers working in Cambodia and foreign couples traveling to the country to take advantage of their services. The Ministry of ...
Sonia Kohlbacher
Testing doctors possible: Ministry
The Ministry of Health (MoH) intends to discuss with Dr. Beat Richner the possibility of organizing a test for doctors in private clinics throughout the Kingdom about their professional knowledge, a spokesman confirmed yesterday. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Past deadline, most cigarettes still lack graphic pictures
Days after a law went into effect requiring all cigarette packages sold in Cambodia to be plastered with graphic images of the health effects of smoking—blackened lungs and an infant on a respirator—there was little evidence of the new packaging in the capital. ...
Samoeurth Seavmeng and Janelle Retka
Australia gives $36m for health improvement
Australia and Cambodia have agreed to enhance cooperation in the health sector, with Australia pledging $36 million for health improvements in the Kingdom. The commitment was made on Monday at the Health Ministry in a meeting between Minister Mam Bun Heng and newly appointed Australian Ambassador ...
Ven Rathavong
Planned center for mentally ill faces low supply of experts
As the government plans to transfer roughly 60 percent of detainees at the notorious Prey Speu detention center to a “mental illness” center in Kandal province, mental health experts expressed doubts this week over the country’s capacity to provide proper care. ...
Khy Sovuthy and Janelle Retka
Health ministry warns of a spike in dengue
Health Ministry officials are warning that this year will see an increased rate of dengue fever across the country, as the cyclical virus has already shown higher than usual rates of infection, with Mondolkiri province seeing an acute spike in cases. ...
Ouch Sony
Possible measles cases prompt investigation
Ministry of Health officials are investigating two suspected measles cases – one in Phnom Penh and another in Svay Rieng province. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Health Ministry acknowledges ‘complications’ in nod to CNM graft
The Ministry of Health this week called for closer oversight of contract employees and acknowledged “inappropriate phenomena” in paperwork filed by mid-level officials, an admission that comes just over a month after evidence came to light of widespread graft at the Kingdom’s National Malaria Centre ...
Bun Sengkong and Stuart White
Health Ministry and WHO sign 5-year plan
The Ministry of Health and the WHO on Friday signed a new five-year plan that will seek to address communicable and non-communicable diseases, advance universal health care, strengthen capability to respond to new emerging diseases and increase collaborations and partnerships, a ministry official said yesterday. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Unlicensed medic arrested over patient’s death
An unlicensed medic was arrested in Tbong Khmum province on Monday after administering three injections to a patient who then died en route to a nearby clinic, a police official said on Tuesday. ...
Phan Soumy
Hundreds sick in Prey Veng: ministry official
More than 400 people in Prey Veng’s Peamro district came down with cold and flu-like symptoms on Saturday, prompting the Ministry of Health to launch an investigation into the cause of the sickness. ...
Pav Suy
Untrained & unlicensed: a look at Cambodia’s public health system
When the Cambodia National Assembly passed the 2016 national budget last December Cambodia’s public health system was not high on the list for additional resources, receiving a meager 8 per cent increase from the year prior, or $275 million. Admirably education received a boost of ...
Health Ministry seeks better expense reports
The Ministry of Health has issued a set of guidelines calling on referral hospitals and health centres to provide increased documentation of their expenses with an aim of introducing more “transparency” to official spending. ...
Bun Sengkong
Health department to probe newborn’s death
The Phnom Penh health department has announced an investigation into the death of a newborn who allegedly choked while being fed by staff at the privately owned VIP Sorphea Maternity Hospital. ...
Kong Meta
Health ministry will levy fines for public smoking offenders
People smoking tobacco in offices, restaurants and other public spaces will have to indulge their habit in clearly demarcated smoking areas or both the smoker and establishment owner will face fines, the Ministry of Health announced. ...
Phan Soumy
Health ministry warns of drought's consequences
The Ministry of Health expects a dangerous year for diseases and heat trauma as a result of the extreme weather that the Kingdom is experiencing, according to a series of public statements this week. ...
Bun Sengkong and Igor Kossov
Shift in focus for donors may spell trouble: study
Dwindling donor funding for combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis could have a critical impact on low-income countries like Cambodia, a new study has found, with some health workers in the Kingdom saying that the squeeze is already being felt. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Doctors to be on standby during new year
The Ministry of Health has ordered provincial health department directors to organize officials and doctors to work during the four days of Khmer New Year so hospitals and health centers are able to respond to traffic accidents and other issues. ...
Ven Rathavong
Beat Richner appointed advisor to ministry of health
In a ceremony on Tuesday, the Ministry of Health appointed a new advisor – the Swiss Dr. Beat Richner, founder of the Kantha Bopha Hospital and Foundation. His hospitals have treated more than 15 million children since the first one opened in 1991 and Minister ...
Jonathan Cox
Ministry warns of alcohol, food poisoning ahead of new year
The Ministry of Health has advised the Kingdom’s citizen’s to be wary of food and alcohol poisoning during the Khmer New Year celebrations, according to a joint press release between the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO) issued last week. ...
Mom Kunthear
No case of yellow fever detected in Cambodia
Cambodia is closely watching the situation of yellow fever virus, though the country has not seen any case of the virus, said a joint statement from the Health Ministry and the World Health Organization on Wednesday. ...
Shanghai Team