Social development

Human rights

Gov’t reviews access to information law draft

A fifth iter-ministerial meeting was held on Wednesday to continue reviewing and discussing the first draft of the Access to Information Law, even as civil society called on the ministries to accelerate its discussions.​ Following the meeting, which was led by the Ministry of Information, ...

Ry Sochan

PM: Kingdom will not bow to ‘preaching’ on human rights

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday said “the forest had not been seen for the trees” when the human rights situation in Cambodia was assessed and that the Kingdom would not bow to preaching on the matter. Hun Sen was presiding over a ceremony on ...

Niem Chheng

US human trafficking report ‘biased’

A senior government official on Sunday reacted to a US report which said the Kingdom had not fully met the minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking, saying it seemed to be biased against the Cambodian government. ...

Long Kimmarita

U.S. sees Cambodia's anti-trafficking efforts floundering

Cambodia is not doing enough to combat human trafficking, the United States said on Thursday, leaving the Asian nation at risk of economic sanctions unless it takes firmer action. Corruption impedes law enforcement, prosecutions and provision of services to victims, the influential Trafficking In Persons ...

Matt Blomberg

Drop journalists’ ‘espionage’ charges, urges rights group

Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a statement on Wednesday urging Cambodian authorities to drop espionage charges which it deemed politically motivated against two former Radio Free Asia (RFA) journalists and free them of court supervision. But Ministry of Justice spokesman Chin Malin dismissed the statement ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

UN concerned over political crackdown

UN human rights experts have expressed concern about what they call an escalating trend of silencing political opinion, saying the government has used criminal law to deny former Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) members’ the rights to expression and to hold gatherings. However, senior government ...

Khorn Savi

EU tells Kingdom to provide ‘credible’ rights improvements

The European Commission has issued a statement calling on the government to show credible improvements on issues of concern in order to avoid the withdrawal of Everything-but-arms trade preferences. An EC and European External Action Service delegation wrapped up a visit to the Kingdom on ...

Khuon Narim

PM raises fake news at summit

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday addressed the Asia Media Summit in Siem Reap, outlining his priorities to increase cooperation in the region and the world to combat fake news and cybercrime, which he said are becoming a serious threat. In his speech at the ...

Khorn Savi

‘Fake news’ on agenda at summit in Siem Reap

The fight against fake news in the digital era will be on the agenda as Cambodia hosts the 16th Asia Media Summit 2019 attended by some 500 participants from more than 40 countries around the world in Siem Reap province. ...

Long Kimmarita

Cambodia: over 145 opposition members summoned

Cambodian authorities should immediately end the harassment of former opposition party members and their supporters, Human Rights Watch said today. European Union officials arriving in Cambodia on June 3, 2019 to review the Cambodian government’s rights record in connection with the Everything but Arms (EBA) trade privileges should ...

Human Rights Watch

140 ex-opposition members summoned by courts: rights group

Cambodian courts and police authorities have summoned a total of 140 ex-members of the opposition party in recent weeks, a local human rights group said, as government efforts to intimidate and suppress the opposition continue more than a year after the party was banned. Dozens of ...

Hul Reaksmey

Families living around lake evicted

Prek Pnov district authorities have evicted families living illegally around Boeng Tamouk lake, Phnom Penh’s largest reservoir, part of which is to be reclaimed to build a market. Sim Sophang, district administrative chief, said there will be no compensation. “There is no policy to compensate them ...

Khuon Narim

Smith learns of Cambodia’s anti-corruption mechanism

Rhona Smith, the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) Special Rapporteur for Cambodia, met with a senior Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) official to learn about the agency’s methods and progress, and urged the government to step up its fight against corruption. ...

Ry Sochan

Gov’t to amend Press Law to be ‘in line with current reality’

The Ministry of Information is preparing with relevant ministries’ and institutions’ amendments to the Press Law to bring it in line with current reality, while UN human rights monitor for Cambodia Rhona Smith has expressed concerns over press freedom in Cambodia. ...

Voun Dara

UN rapporteur to monitor rights in visit to Kingdom

Rhona Smith, the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Cambodia, is to arrive in Phnom Penh on Monday to monitor the current situation in the Kingdom at the invitation of the government. During an 11-day visit from April 29 to ...

Long Kimmarita

Thousands attend CNRP-organised pro-democracy vigil in South Korea

Thousands of supporters of the Supreme Court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) on Saturday gathered in the South Korean city of Gwangju to hold a candlelight demonstration calling for the “liberation” of democracy in Cambodia. Yim Sinorn, a CNRP member in South Korea, said on ...

Niem Chheng

Eight people sent to court over violent protest

Preah Sihanouk provincial authorities on Sunday sent eight people to court for blocking National Road 4 and using violence against authorities in a land dispute in Prey Nop district’s Bit Traing commune. Four police officers and two commune security guards sustained injuries when the protesters ...

Voun Dara

International business group urges respect for labour rights

A group of international business associations representing garment, footwear and travel goods buyers have called on the government to improve labour and human rights conditions in the Kingdom in the face of possible preferential trade agreement changes by the United States and European Union. In February, ...

Ben Sokhea

City Hall to hold forum with NGOs tomorrow

City Hall will hold a consultative forum with non-governmental organisations tomorrow to discuss challenges in resolving issues and also promote cooperation between the government and civil society groups. The forum, to be held on Koh Pich, will be presided over by Phnom Penh Governor Khuong ...

Khuon Narim

Government notes 25 UN UPR rights recommendations as political

The government on Tuesday said it had “noted” 25 recommendations made by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR), saying they were part of a political agenda and linked to the dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). It accepted the other 173 recommendations ...

Niem Chheng

HRW urges authorities to reveal activist whereabouts

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged Cambodian authorities to immediately reveal the whereabouts of a land activist who was “forcibly disappeared” in Preah Vihear province. It said it was the first time such a thing had occurred since the country was ruled by a single ...

Long Kimmarita

Evictees speak of hopelessness

Ouk Chetana, a 39-year-old mother of two, sits on a bamboo bed in a temporary home after the house she had lived in since 2009 was destroyed by authorities, as the village she shared with some 200 other families was deemed to have encroached on ...

Voun Dara

NGOs want environmental impact report access

Civil society organisations dealing with environmental issues yesterday urged the Environment Ministry to disclose environmental impact assessment reports due to a lack of public information on whether or not companies comply with their reports after development projects have been approved. In a workshop on “Promoting Environmental ...

Pech Sotheary

Access to Information draft law ready

Information Minister Khieu Kanharith yesterday confirmed that the draft law on Access to Information has been inserted into the 6th mandate of the government’s strategic plan. In an announcement dated yesterday that addressed public and civil society groups’ requests, Mr Kanharith said the ministry had ...

Taing Vida

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