Environment and natural resources
Water resources
Koh Kong residents protest encroachment on state land
More than 100 families living in Chroy Svay commune in Koh Kong province’s Sre Ambel district protested in front of the district hall to demand that authorities keep 63ha of lowland forest as state property and take legal action against forest encroachers. ...
Voun Dara
Water shortages hit outer suburbs
Around 40,000 families in the Phnom Penh suburbs are expected to face water shortages in the dry season. To address the issue, the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) has made provisions to provide water to them, a senior PPWSA official said. ...
Mom Kunthear
Warship on track for April salvage
If nothing changes, the team searching for unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the warship which was sunk in the Mekong River in Meanchey commune’s Veal village of Kampong Cham province’s Srei Santhor district during the Cambodian civil war in the 1970s, would be completed in late ...
Nov Sivutha
Koh Kong demands sanctuary creek fix
Koh Kong provincial officials have ordered local developer Leang Him to remove soil she used to illegally fill in a creek and mangrove forest in Peam Krasaop Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondul Seima district. Local authorities said the instructions were followed after Leang received an administrative ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Large-scale Mekong River landfilling draws concern eco-system and water way
Almost every day for the past year about a dozen boats carrying thousands of cubic meters of sand dump their load at Koh Norea, a small tip of land where the Mekong spills into the Bassac river. According to workers at the site, the sand ...
Sorn Sarath
Love Lake to be protected and developed under new sub-decree
“Love Lake”, also known as the Boeng Sne and Poantaley area, has now been listed as a multi-use site over multiple districts in Prey Veng province in order to protect and develop the area. ...
Buth Sela
Wastewater treatment plant in Southern Phnom Penh to be built in late April
A wastewater treatment plant with the capacity of treating 5,000 cubic metres of wastewater per day will be constructed at the end of April 2021. ...
Khmer Times Staff
MRC raises alarm over declining river water levels
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) on Friday raised the alarm about declining river water levels causing a negative impact on river transport, fish migration, agriculture irrigation and river weed collection. ...
Rhea Mae Soco
Water levels in Mekong hit worrisome new lows
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) has expressed concern that water levels in the river have dropped significantly, changing the colour of the water in some areas, and warned that this situation could impact agricultural production and wildlife migration in Cambodia and the other countries in ...
Lay Samean
26 families along Sangke River given land concessions with mixed response
Families living along the Sangke River have been asked by authorities to move to a new location due to plans to develop the area. Battambang provincial deputy governor Soeum Bunrithy said in a press conference yesterday that currently, there is a project to develop Sangke ...
Koh Preus upgrades 70% complete
Initial construction of a nearly $30 million tourism infrastructure project on Preah Sihanouk province’s Koh Preus Island is “about 70 per cent complete”, according to an official with the developer. Heng Thou, construction site manager of Angela Real Estate Co Ltd (ARE), told The Post that ...
Thou Vireak
Hun Sen: Lakes filled in for national developments
Prime Minister Hun Sen has announced continued operations to fill some lakes in Phnom Penh to create land for developments, though he is against the unrelated practice of damming rivers or blocking waterways. ...
Nov Sivutha
Cooler, wetter dry season this year forecasted
The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has issued a forecast predicting that dry season weather this year would be more favourable than last year, with rainstorms and lighting strikes anticipated to happen more frequently from this month, especially in low-lying areas and coastal provinces. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Fishermen worried for their future as lake getting filled
For nearly 40 years, Ing Choeun, a 63-year-old fisherman in Prek Pnov district’s Samraong commune north of Phnom Penh has relied on fishing at Tamouk Lake to make a living and to feed his family. ...
Moeun Chhean Nariddh
Illegal fish nets kill adult male Irrawaddy dolphin in Kratie
Conservationists and communities in the Anlong Kampi Irrawaddy dolphin conservation area in Kratie province said that despite the ban on fishing and regular patrols, fishing offences in the area are still happening which they said is cause for alarm. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Lake filling in capital draws CSOs concern
Civil society organisations (CSOs) working on the environment and human rights have expressed concern about filling parts of Boeung Tamok Lake to create new parcels of land on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Mekong dam monitor launched by US State Department
The U.S. Department of State has launched the Mekong Dam Monitor in collaboration with the Stimson Center and Eyes on Earth. The new Mekong Dam Monitor is a significant step toward improving understanding of the water conditions in the Mekong River Basin. ...
Jason Boken
Cambodia faces plastic woes
The Ministry of Environment and several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working on environmental issues in Cambodia have expressed concern over the growing amount of plastic waste in Cambodia’s waterways, as many fishermen are now complaining that they have caught more rubbish than fish over the past ...
Long Kimmarita
Battambang ancient lake restored
Authorities in Battambang province’s Ek Phnom district have been given permission to begin restoration of Takom Lake, a 10ha ancient lake located in the district’s Peam Ek commune. ...
Nov Sivutha
Tourism seaport project to be developed in Koh Tonsay, the Rabbit island
A tourism seaport project is unveiled to be constructed in Koh Tonsay (Rabbit Island), Kep province as the environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) has started. Ms. Ol Phirun, Deputy Governor of Kep province, said that the tourism seaport is an ADB-backed project and a ...
Khmer Times staff
Lake set for development
The government is set to hand over 38ha of Boeung Tamok Lake for development, according to two sub-decrees dated September 1 and seen by The Post on Sunday. The first sub-decree says 15ha of the lake will be given to the National Committee for Disaster Management, ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Ministry wants dolphin areas on UNESCO list
The Ministry of Environment has been tasked with compiling data on four areas that are home to Irrawaddy dolphins in Kratie and Preah Vihear provinces. The report is in preparation for possible inclusion on the UNESCO World Natural Heritage list. ...
Voun Dara
MRC sees ‘very critical situation’ in Tonle Sap as flow reversal still delayed
In a weekly situation report, the MRC said low inflows from the Mekong and low rainfall in the Tonle Sap’s upper-catchment areas had “resulted in a very critical situation” for the lake. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Mekong is at historical lows
The Mekong is once again at historical lows. The Mekong River Commission (MRC) gauge at Phnom Penh Port shows river level to be four metres below average for this time of year – and lower than last year’s record. ...
Mark Hughes