Too many players vie in Kingdom’s ISP industry
Like the telecommunications industry in Cambodia, the market for internet service providers (ISP), too, is overcrowded, leading industry experts to say that the situation is preventing new investment. Data from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications showed that at the end of 2012, Cambodia had ...
Investment options for Cambodian telcos
With Myanmar’s telecom industry showing signs of gradually opening, operators in Cambodia’s overcrowded telecom market see opportunities for potential investment. But in stride with the market’s latent potential come challenges, industry experts say, and lessons learned locally need to be applied overseas. “Myanmar remains one of the ...
Cellcard's COO Kay Lot resigns
One of Cambodia’s primary telecommunications companies, Cellcard, announced yesterday that longtime Chief Operating Officer Kay Lot has resigned. The departure of Kay Lot follows the departure of CEO David Spriggs who resigned his position about two months ago. Telecommunications industry insiders say the otherwise healthy and profitable ...
Telco regulator to launch
A regulator for Cambodia’s telecommunications industry is expected to launch next month with the hopes of putting in order a sector that has seen little regulation during its short history. Industry insiders have called the move positive but many questioned the body’s ability to rein in ...