Tiffany to polish diamonds
Luxury jewellery brand Tiffany & Co is building a diamond-polishing factory in Phnom Penh, as the company, which has enjoyed increasing sales, seeks to ensure it can continue supplying the diamonds it needs. Construction began last month on the 1.2-hectare factory, along with a training centre, ...
Tougher disclosure rules for resources giants
US-listed corporations in Cambodia, including Chevron, Total, CNOOC and ConocoPhillips, that are engaged in extractive industries are now required to comply with additional transparency rules. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) implemented new regulations last week, two years after the legislation was initially passed by Congress. Cambodian monitors ...
Macau-Backed Casino Firm to Expand Operations in Cambodia
A Macau-backed firm plans to grow its involvement in Cambodia’s casino sector as it targets the local gambling market with gaming machines and two new casinos, the company said in a financial statement filed in the US. Entertainment Gaming Asia Inc, which currently provides gaming machines ...