
Local business registration up, sound macro-economic performance cited

Crediting sound macro-economic performance, the Ministry of Commerce reported a more than 24 per cent increase in the number of firms registering with it in the first 11 months of this year on the same period last year. According to the ministry, business registration increased ...

Thou Vireak

Sar Kheng urges migrant workers to report fraudulent brokers

Interior Minister Sar Kheng has reiterated his call for the public not to fall for misleading advertisement by unscrupulous brokers who take advantage of migrant workers and urged people to report them. ...

Taing Vida

Bangladesh eyes opening diplomatic mission in Phnom Penh

Bangladesh is seriously contemplating opening a diplomatic mission in Phnom Penh instead of covering Cambodia from its diplomatic base in Bangkok. ...

Raquel R Bacay

Ministry grants M’kiri communities right to manage natural resources

Twelve of 19 representatives from protected areas in the Phnom Prich, Srepok and Keo Seima wildlife sanctuaries in Mondulkiri province – consisting of nearly 13,000 people – signed an agreement with the Ministry of Environment on the sustainable management of natural resources. The agreement was ...

Soth Koemsoeun

CHRC highlights outcome of mission in Russia

The Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) today issued a statement highlighting the outcome of the three-day visit in Russia where a memorandum of understanding on the cooperation in the field of human rights between the two countries was inked.​ ...

Taing Vida

United States shows interest in energy sector

Ambassador Patrick Murphy has expressed willingness to push private investors in the United States to work with the Kingdom’s oil and gas sector, so long as Cambodia is keen to coordinate with them. ...

Sun Mesa

USAID announces major accountability initiative

USAID yesterday announced a major initiative to strengthen accountability in public service delivery in five provincial urban areas. ...

Taing Vida

Patrol finds 200 snares in forest community

More than 200 illegal snares have over the past two weeks been removed from the Prambei Mom Forest community area in Kampong Speu’s Thpong district. Liv Sarum said on Thursday that patrols of the forest community in Prambei Mom commune found the traps, with 117 ...

Long Kimmarita

Sar Kheng: Sub-national level budgets to be paid via bank to stop corruption

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng announced on Tuesday that the budgets for sub-national administrations next year will be paid via the bank to prevent corruption and ensure transparency. He also warned officials not to abuse power for personal gain. Sar Kheng was speaking at the ...

Mech Dara

UAE firm sets sight on oil in Kingdom

Mubadala Petroleum, one of the UAE’s largest oil and gas companies, is looking for investment opportunities in the Cambodian oil sector, said a senior official at the Ministry of Mines and Energy. Mubadala Petroleum CEO Mazin al-Lamki expressed interest in investing in Cambodia’s oil sector ...

Thou Vireak

Mondulkiri community objects to land demarcation

Representatives of the indigenous community in Mondulkiri province on Wednesday submitted three petitions to voice their objection against the planting of stone markers around the Doh Kramom mountain area by provincial officials last week. However, provincial officials said the case is still under review. A ...

Long Kimmarita

Crackdown on vehicles with unpaid tax

The General Department of Customs and Excise at the Ministry of Economy and Finance vowed to take legal action against those using vehicles with unpaid tax and unapproved modifications after relevant authorities had advised them through educational announcements. General Department of Customs and Excise director-general ...

Voun Dara

Europe expected to consider EBA efforts, impact

The government said it expects the European Commission to consider its efforts to comply with the “Everything But Arms” (EBA) regulations and the impact on one million workers should access to the agreement be suspended in February. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation ...

Niem Chheng

Say Samal supports climate change action

Environment Minister Say Samal has called on developed countries to increase funding to tackle climate change issues faced by Cambodia and the world. Mr Samal made the call on Wednesday at the 25th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change ...

Pech Sotheary

Hun Sen: Kingdom’s economy to grow 7.1%

Cambodia’s economic growth is projected at 7.1 per cent this year or about $24 billion thanks to the good performance of the industrial sector that is creating strong domestic revenue. Speaking at the graduation ceremony of Cambodia University of Specialties on Wednesday, Prime Minister Hun ...

Thou Vireak

Pich Sros raises dam issues

Cambodian Youth Party (CYP) president Pich Sros on Tuesday raised four issues faced by residents of Kampong Speu and Takeo provinces regarding dam constructions and submitted his report to the Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology Lim Kean Hor. Sros told The Post that the ...

Khorn Savi

ACU launches campaign to check public service provision

The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) has launched a campaign to check the provision of public services during the whole of next year. The campaign will be carried out at targeted service units of sub-national level administrations. The ACU has also taken further measures to strengthen the ...

Ry Sochan

EBA withdrawal a destruction of EU achievements, PM says

Prime Minister Hun Sen said the EU’s possible suspension of its Everything But Arms (EBA) agreement amounted to a destruction of its achievements in the Kingdom and the demise of the opposition group. Hun Sen made the remarks while addressing more than 6,700 students during ...

Niem Chheng

Labour ministry to check provision of seniority payments

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training is preparing to send officials to check on whether the second phase of seniority payments will be provided to garment factory workers at the end of the year, said ministry spokesman Heng Sour. Last year, the ministry announced ...

Long Kimmarita

Senators approve $8.23 billion national budget for next year

The Senate yesterday unanimously adopted a budget of $8.23 billion for next year’s national budget. All 58 of the 62 senators who attended the plenary session yesterday voted in favour of the draft law. The law was unanimously passed last month by the National Assembly ...

Ben Sokhean

Canal restoration in Preah Sihanouk set to be done in three months

Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol said at the start of the restoration of five canals in Preah Sihanouk province on Monday that the work had to be completed in three months to avoid further flooding. A report by the Ministry of Public ...

Voun Dara

US imposes sanctions on Oknha Pheap and Kun Kim

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation expressed strong dismay on Monday over the designation of Cambodian tycoon Oknha Try Pheap and General Kun Kim under the US’ Global Magnitsky Act. “It is very disturbing when the public figures of a country become the ...

Mech Dara

Healthcare management transferred to sub-national level

The government on Monday issued a sub-decree to delegate the management of healthcare provision to sub-national administrations, which will be effective as of January next year. The sub-decree was approved by Prime Minister Hun Sen last Wednesday and signed by relevant ministers including Minister of ...

Niem Chheng

Preah Sihanouk villagers seeking intervention over land dispute

Nearly 300 people representing 9,095 families in Preah Sihanouk province on Monday filed a petition to the provincial administration seeking intervention in a long-running land dispute. The villagers submitted the petition after their initial request to hold a march to coincide with the 71st international ...

Voun Dara

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