No Power Leads to No Water In Sihanoukville
The water shortage that has led to tens of thousands of households in Sihanoukville without running water for the past week occurred after provincial officials decided to limit power to a water pumping facility operated by the tourist town’s privately-owned distributor, a manager at the ...
Hotels told to use own power
State-owned energy supplier Electricite du Cambodge (EDC) has sent letters to some of Phnom Penh’s four- and five-star hotels, asking that they switch to generators between 8am and 9pm this month — a move hotel-industry experts say would have a significant economic impact. In a letter ...
EDC promises more power
The recent power shortages have left residents of Phnom Penh out in the heat and dark, but amidst their mounting frustration, state-owned energy supplier Electricite du Cambodge (EDC) has announced it will be purchasing more power from Thailand to address the shortfall. Keo Rattanak, director-general of ...
EdC Appeals For Public to Unplug In Power Crisis
Cambodia’s national electricity provider yesterday appealed to the public to unplug from the national energy supply in an effort to alleviate chronic seasonal power shortages that are causing blackouts across Phnom Penh and the rest of the country. Eletricite du Cambodge (EdC) published an announcement asking ...
Powerless Phnom Penh Struggles With Hot Season
As air-conditioning units slow to a halt, computers die and the lights go out, the frustration of local business owners and organizations in Phnom Penh is boiling over once again as the annual hot season blackouts have arrived. The 190-megawatt, Chinese-built Kamchay hydropower dam in ...
Protests Over Mondulkiri Electricity Prices Resume
About 100 residents of Mondulkirri province’s Sen Monorom City have protested yesterday for the third time in the past 2 weeks in front of the provincial office of state electricity provider Eletricite du Cambodge (Edc), demanding that their electricity be decreased. Vann Neang, who ...
Siem Reap Power Cut Hurts Tourism Industry
Three days after it went out, power had yet to be restored to large parts of Siem Reap province yesterday, badly impacting local businesses in the popular tourist hub of Siem Reap City and seeing a rush of people to buy generators. The power failure followed ...
Government Has 13 Payment Guarantees for Energy Projects
A CPP lawmaker said yesterday the government has signed 13 payment guarantees to companies constructing coal-fired power plants and hydropower dams in the country, a move that an Asian Development Bank (ADB) official reiterated was risky for the country’s fiscal future. CPP lawmaker Cheam Yeap said ...
National Electricity Provider Warns of Dry-Season Power Cuts
The national electricity provider has warned residents in Phnom Penh and in Kompong Speu and Kandal provinces to expect power outages in the coming months as supply would likely fall short of demand throughout the dry season. In a statement issued Friday, Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) ...
Electricity Prices to Rise For Thousands of Homes
The state-owned energy supplier Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) will increase the price of electricity in September for tens of thousands of homes in Phnom Penh and three other provinces due to a hike in the cost of energy being supplied by Vietnam, officials said yesterday. Ty ...
Official Says Electricity Prices Set to Increases
State power company Electricite du Cambodge (EDC) plans to increase the price of electricity to make up for a drop in revenue this year, according to a Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy official. “This year, oil prices went up, which meant the EDC did not ...
State Utility Staff May Be Registered To Vote Twice
The SRP yesterday said it had found that more than 90 employees of state-owned power company Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) were registered to vote in two separate places for Sunday’s commune elections and warned that the ruling CPP may use such government employees to vote ...
Prey Veng Villagers Protest Mounting Electricity Costs
More than 200 families in Prey Veng province protested outside the Pea Reang district police office on Wednesday against electricity providers Elisa Hour and Electricite du Cambodge (EdC), which have both refused to lower electricity rates, despite having made a promise to do so three ...
Phnom Penh Residents Asked To Reduce Electricity Usage
State-run Electricite du Cambodge (EdC), the main provider of electricity in the country, has appealed to residents of Phnom Penh to reduce electricity use due to a power shortage, an EdC official said yesterday. The company is only able to produce 70 percent of the city’s ...
EdC Power Rationing to Continue Until Rainy Season
A senior official at the state-owned Electricite du Cambodge (EdC) said yesterday that blackouts in Phnom Penh could persist until the onset of the rainy season in June. EdC last week began rationing power citywide, as Phnom Penh is currently short about 100 megawatts of ...