China Unicom to build Cambodia’s first state-owned submarine optical fiber cable project
China Unicom Group, one of the country’s largest telecommunications operators, will build Cambodia’s first state-owned submarine optical fiber cable with a large capacity for international communications. ...
Khmer Times Staff
First submarine cable launched
Cambodia’s first submarine telecoms cable, costing $100 million, that will strengthen existing internet capacity and greatly increase connectivity speed at lower cost, was officially launched yesterday. ...
May Kunmakara
Gov's to Lay More than 400 Km of Fiber-Optic Cable
With a loan from Japan, the government will begin laying more than 400 km of fiber-optic cable early next year to connect Phnom Penh with five provinces, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC) said yesterday. Telecommunication Minister So Khun said the cable-which will connect Phnom Penh with ...